SikhNet Discussion Forum

Re: Opinion - Beliefs That Have Harmed Mankind
Posted by Preet Mohan S Ahluwalia Send Email to Author on Tuesday, 8/28/2001 11:19 AM MDT
Dear Mambo:
About people and their agenda you need to discuss with them. Hindus believe that Vedas were written by God (or ultimate reality). The point is that a community's beliefs and ethics are based upon the guidelines that it follows. No one can be a Hindu if he does not agree with Hindu philosophy. Similarly no one can be a Muslim if he disagrees with the Qu'ran and no one can be a Christian if he disgrees with the Bible. This is a basic fact that cannot be denied.

"Regarding who and what is sikh i don't feel any of us have the authority but the guru himself to make that claim." This is what you wrote. And what happened in 1699. You must also know that all Gurus were the same in spirit, only physically different. This is the Sikh belief.

I don't think the Gurus discriminated against their followers as Sikhs or non-Sikhs. You agree with it too. However, this does not change anything regarding the definition of a Sikh. People who were not Sikhs but followed the Gurus are called Sehajdharis.

Any sensible person would ask one question: if you have so much respect for the Guru and Sikh path why would you hesitate to commit yourself to it. I have already written on this too.

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Nobody respects those who justify their weakness and inability and spend their lives whinning. The world honors the brave and the courageous. The rest are just a crowd.


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