SikhNet Discussion Forum

Re: Answers to Purpose of HAIR, nails do not compare! + Fund rasing ideas!!!
Posted by Sundeep S Singh Send Email to Author on Saturday, 9/19/1998 8:18 PM MDT
Sat Sri Akal,
Again, Ive read this article before (when it was published in the Sikh Review). These are all medical reasons to justify why the kesh should be kept and why the nails should be cut etc.

But the fact of the matter is, that chances are that you (again, you being any particular person on the planet) would not be better off with the kesh, medically speaking. Someone who has long uncut hair will most likely not live a healthier life because of it. Nor will it automatically make a person much more spiritual.

The signifigance of the kesh is mainly in the SIKH religion. Would you encourage a christian to refraim from cutting his hair? I wouldnt see the point in doing it.

THere seems to be this intente debate raging on about the kesh, but I still havent seem to have gotten a concrete reason why its soo wrong for a Sikh to shave hair from their body...

I fail to see how doing that makes a person less spiritual, how it makes them less healtier, or how it makes them less of a "Sikh."

with regards,
Sundeep Singh

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