SikhNet Discussion Forum

Re: Answers to Purpose of HAIR, nails do not compare! + Fund rasing ideas!!!
Posted by Pritam Singh Send Email to Author on Wednesday, 9/23/1998 7:56 PM MDT
Sundeep Singh ji,
Could you explain the connection between having long uncut hair and an unhealthy life? Perhaps you need to define what you meant by the words "unhealthy life". If a person regularly washes his/her hair, then I don't see anything in this that would lead to an unhealthy life. Then again, I know that some people still lead * healthy lives * despite not caring after their body like most people who have the resources to do this. Some of those people can't take a regular bath, don't have enough changes of clothing and don't even have access to nutritious food and safe drinking water. Despite what they lack in terms of resources, they have much healthier lives than most of us. For the many of us that are blessed with access to plentiful resources and amenities, our lives are probably more unhealthy than we even care to think about.

Pritam Singh
[email protected]

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