SikhNet Discussion Forum

Re: Dr. Birendra Kaur's article is unscientific.
Posted by Pritam Singh Send Email to Author on Wednesday, 9/16/1998 6:06 AM MDT
Dear Sikhnet participants,
The Random House Webster's dictionary defines "biology" as the scientific study of life or living matter in all its forms and processes.

Dr. Birendra Kaur's article speculates on the biological necessity of hair by providing inferences to other biological functions taking place in the body. However, she does not prove that hair upon the head or the face, is a must for human biology.

Furthermore, the submission in the "Abstracts of Sikh Studies" entitled, "Human Hair - A biological necessity" pg. 29-33 and "Do we need facial hair" pg. 34-39, do not provide any references to her sources, research material or bibliography. We have no information about her credentials, i.e., specialty of medicine, area of expertise, etc. etc.

Conclusions reached without rigorous studies, are dubious at best and indicative of the level of professionalism at its worst.

Given the lack of such information, one cannot help but assume that her findings are not based upon rigorous research, but may in fact be biased in favour of her association with Sikhism. Both of her articles are a testimony to this.

If the Sikh community is desirous of wanting a definitive study on human hair, then being more sagacious in allowing open discussions and multidisciplinary contributions will be in order.

Of course, that is *if* the Sikh community wants to scientifically substantiate its stand on human hair (keshas). And, again that is only *if* they want to continue to assert that their religion is the
most "scientific" and "modern" in the world.

Some suggestions for this comprehensive study may include the following:

Has human biology changed significantly from either the keeping or the cutting of hair?

If human biology has been affected, then it stands to reason to consider what effect has the cutting of hair had upon human beings since time immemorial?

This should not be too difficult to research/formulate studies, because the people who cut their hair (non-keshadhari Sikhs) hold a majority over the ones that keep it (keshadhari Sikhs).

Some studies could be done from a sample that would include Sikh males who have kept their hair (Keshas) since birth, and non-Sikh males who have not. This could also include the many young and mature male Sikhs that do not keep their Keshas.

Human beings have been cutting or keeping their hair for thousands of years. So far, nobody has delved into this subject to produce concrete evidence that human beings cannot survive without their hair. Dr. Birendra Kaur's articles are highly conspicuous in the light of common knowledge that mankind has been in existence for thousands of millennia.

One could hypothesize had the hair been a "biological necessity" as she states, many of our ancestors would not have produced us as their progeny! This statement may be a bit extreme, but Dr. Birendra Kaur does not specify the degree to which the hair has biological consequences to the lives we live as human beings.

In fact, she does not indicate any biological consequences that would accrue from the cutting of human hair. Nor does she provide any information about whether human hair has a (any) spiritual dimension, that many Sikhs seem to associate it with. Simply stating that "Hair is a gift from God, not a burden.", does not substantiate God providing hair as a gift to human beings.
If this were true, then the followers of other religions that have revealed writings from God, would be keeping their long hair and not cutting it. The claim Sikhs make for exclusivity on the subject of the hair being a "gift" from God, does not stand when subjected to the aforementioned criteria.

Similarly, her statement where
"Guru Gobind Singh, in his infinite wisdom, commanded us to respect it and to refrain from tampering with it. This is the visible token of his affection for us, as well as our faith in him. If we have faith in our Guru, who was in communion with God, how can we do anything, but follow his advice and leave our hair uncut?", begs another question.

God is not about having a faith in his messengers. God is beyond man's abilities to believe and/or have a faith in Him. Belief and faith are constructs man uses to relate to Him. Surely, the aspect of having a "communion" does not signify a monopoly of Guru Gobind Singh ji with God, does it? If we "follow" Guru Gobind Singh's "edicts", what would happen when we ourselves become in "communion" with God? Communion with God has nothing to do with beliefs or faith. When anybody reads this article, they are not doing this based upon faith or belief. They are merely in communion with themselves. And, what would happen if God said something that contradicted the edicts of Guru Gobind Singh ji? Where would that lead us?

Also, her statement as it applies to males in "Do we need facial hair?" -- "A psychological problem can only be associated with those who shave or style their beards, rather than with those who maintain them.", is reflective of her ignorance of such matters.

Based upon my further research into the formation of gender identity in male Sikhs (which I have only briefly alluded to in my article entitled, "Why do Sikh children commit suicide when they can't cut their hair? What would compel them to do this?"), the hair and the turban significantly contribute to many psychological and psychiatric disorders in Sikh males. Attempts to deny facts that are well-known by every male Sikh immigrant, would be tantamount to acting like ostriches, but only at the peril of our innocent youngsters.

I shall be providing this in the future. In the meantime, I would greatly appreciate if the members of Sikhnet, Khalsanet, Sikhlink and Cybersikh, could help me locate a bibliography that could substantiate Dr. Birendra Kaur's submissions/credentials.

Given the dire consequences that our young people and their families are facing, I trust everybody will reciprocate with due accord and the greatest spirit of benevolence.

Pritam Singh
[email protected]

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