SikhNet Discussion Forum

Re: Guru Nanak's Visit To Ladakh - Karen Long
Posted by Pritam Singh Send Email to Author on Thursday, 10/29/1998 9:39 PM MDT
Preet Mohan Singh ji,
You make it sound like the difference between weightlifters and ordinary people. Of course ordinary people can't lift huge amounts of weight, but through training, they too could lift weights. The real question is: How did the prophets become prophets? I suppose your answer would be through faith, right? I think it would be fair of me to compare the lifting of weights and the development of faith. So am I correct in assuming that if an "ordinary person" lifts weights of faith, then he/she could also become a prophet?

BTW, don't the Sikhs consider the Guru Granth Sahib as their prophet, or is there a difference between the guys who were the real prophets and the book that allegedly contains their writings?

<<I don't see why it is impossible for a PROPHET to do things that ORDINARY people can't. >> When was the last time that the GGS did a miracle and everybody built a gurdwara for it, like they did for Guru Nanak, etc.?

Would the REAL prophet(s) please stand up? I mean Rajinder Nijjar ji -- could you also comment?

Pritam Singh
[email protected]

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