SikhNet Discussion Forum

Re: Guru Nanak's Visit To Ladakh
Posted by Karen Long Send Email to Author on Wednesday, 10/28/1998 12:40 AM MDT
To disbelivers who claim to be Sikhs!
Preet Mohan S Ahluwalia Ji, Posted a article from the book "Excellence of Sikhism" & The Tribune. This article at a bare minimum puts Nanak on par with Jesus who is considered to be Christ. The historic event dictates that Nanak is a Supreme Being as a mear human would be dead at minimum. the article is below! It is about a travel of Nanak in Srinagar.
"The demon was infuriated and threw a large rock at the Guru which hit the back of the meditating Guru and stopped there. The Guru's body is believed to be imprinted on the rock. The demon felt ashamed and prostrated at the feet of Guru Nanak." ......"the hill which incidently is called Nanak Hill" ...."this legend is quite similar to that of Gurudwara Punja Sahib in Pakistan."

Thank you Brother Preet Mohan S Ahluwalia Ji, I enjoyed the article. All my Christian freinds were impresed by it. Many Sikhs of Indian origin feel it is illegal for a Guru to use SUPER-POWERS, as according to them this makes aa Guru a magic trickster, and God forbids use of Power. It is due to such small minded thinking that Sikhism is still a minority Dharm. It is obvious that if a Sikh claims there Guru can't do anything Super-Powerful & Jesus can walk on Water & cure leporosy & make the blind be sighted again, then a Guru looks quite puny next to Jesus! I have heard that Nanak took Mardana and 2 other people on separate times to extra-terrestrial worlds starting with the moon, if so this then make Jesus look puny next to a Guru "The Light That Dispels the Darkness".

It amazes me how members of a religion can minimize or sabotage the deeds of their founders every chance they get. It's like a self defeatest disease.

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