santan avar na kaahoo jaanee

tofI mhlw 5 Gru 1 dupdy(711-12)
todee mehlaa 5 ghar 1 dupday
Todee, Fifth Mehl, First House, Du-Padas

sMqn Avr n kwhU jwnI ]
santan avar na kaahoo jaanee.
The Saints do not know any other.

byprvwh sdw rMig hir kY jw ko pwKu suAwmI ] rhwau ]
bayparvaah sadaa rang har kai jaa ko paakh su-aamee. rahaa-o.
They are carefree, ever in the Lord's Love; the Lord and Master is on their side. ||Pause||

aUc smwnw Twkur qyro Avr n kwhU qwnI ]
ooch samaanaa thaakur tayro avar na kaahoo taanee.
Your canopy is so high, O Lord and Master; no one else has any power.

AYso Amru imilE Bgqn kau rwic rhy rMig igAwnI ]1]
aiso amar mili-o bhagtan ka-o raach rahay rang gi-aanee. ||1||
Such is the immortal Lord and Master the devotees have found; the spiritually wise remain absorbed in His Love. ||1||

rog sog duK jrw mrw hir jnih nhI inktwnI ]
rog sog dukh jaraa maraa har janeh nahee niktaanee.
Disease, sorrow, pain, old age and death do not even approach the humble servant of the Lord.

inrBau hoie rhy ilv eykY nwnk hir mnu mwnI ]2]1]
nirbha-o ho-ay rahay liv aykai naanak har man maanee. ||2||1||
They remain fearless, in the Love of the One Lord; O Nanak, they have surrendered their minds to the Lord. ||2||1||