taripat aaghaa-ay santaa

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1006-2)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

iqRpiq AwGwey sMqw ]
taripat aaghaa-ay santaa.
The Saints are fulfilled and satisfied;

gur jwny ijn mMqw ]
gur jaanay jin manntaa.
they know the Guru's Mantra and the Teachings.

qw kI ikCu khnu n jweI ]
taa kee kichh kahan na jaa-ee.
They cannot even be described;

jw kau nwm bfweI ]1]
jaa ka-o naam badaa-ee. ||1||
they are blessed with the glorious greatness of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||

lwlu Amolw lwlo ]
laal amolaa laalo.
My Beloved is a priceless jewel.

Agh Aqolw nwmo ]1] rhwau ]
agah atolaa naamo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
His Name is unattainable and immeasurable. ||1||Pause||

Aivgq isau mwinAw mwno ]
avigat si-o maani-aa maano.
One whose mind is satisfied believing in the imperishable Lord God,

gurmuiK qqu igAwno ]
gurmukh tat gi-aano.
becomes Gurmukh and attains the essence of spiritual wisdom.

pyKq sgl iDAwno ]
paykhat sagal Dhi-aano.
He sees all in his meditation.

qijE mn qy AiBmwno ]2]
taji-o man tay abhimaano. ||2||
He banishes egotistical pride from his mind. ||2||

inhclu iqn kw Twxw ]
nihchal tin kaa thaanaa.
Permanent is the place of those

gur qy mhlu pCwxw ]
gur tay mahal pachhaanaa.
who, through the Guru, realize the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

Anidnu gur imil jwgy ]
an-din gur mil jaagay.
Meeting the Guru, they remain awake and aware night and day;

hir kI syvw lwgy ]3]
har kee sayvaa laagay. ||3||
they are committed to the Lord's service. ||3||

pUrn iqRpiq AGwey ]
pooran taripat aghaa-ay.
They are perfectly fulfilled and satisfied,

shj smwiD suBwey ]
sahj samaaDh subhaa-ay.
intuitively absorbed in Samaadhi.

hir BMfwru hwiQ AwieAw ]
har bhandaar haath aa-i-aa.
The Lord's treasure comes into their hands;

nwnk gur qy pwieAw ]4]7]23]
naanak gur tay paa-i-aa. ||4||7||23||
O Nanak, through the Guru, they attain it. ||4||7||23||