paraanee naaraa-in suDh layhi

rwmklI mhlw 9 ] (902-8)
raamkalee mehlaa 9.
Raamkalee, Ninth Mehl:

pRwnI nwrwien suiD lyih ]
paraanee naaraa-in suDh layhi.
O mortal, focus your thoughts on the Lord.

iCnu iCnu AauD GtY inis bwsur ibRQw jwqu hY dyh ]1] rhwau ]
chhin chhin a-oDh ghatai nis baasur baritha jaat hai dayh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Moment by moment, your life is running out; night and day, your body is passing away in vain. ||1||Pause||

qrnwpo ibiKAn isau KoieE bwlpnu AigAwnw ]
tarnaapo bikhi-an si-o kho-i-o baalpan agi-aanaa.
You have wasted your youth in corrupt pleasures, and your childhood in ignorance.

ibriD BieE AjhU nhI smJY kaun kumiq aurJwnw ]1]
biraDh bha-i-o ajhoo nahee samjhai ka-un kumat urjhaanaa. ||1||
You have grown old, and even now, you do not understand, the evil-mindedness in which you are entangled. ||1||

mwns jnmu dIE ijh Twkuir so qY ikau ibsrwieE ]
maanas janam dee-o jih thaakur so tai ki-o bisraa-i-o.
Why have you forgotten your Lord and Master, who blessed you with this human life?

mukqu hoq nr jw kY ismrY inmK n qw kau gwieE ]2]
mukat hot nar jaa kai simrai nimakh na taa ka-o gaa-i-o. ||2||
Remembering Him in meditation, one is liberated. And yet, you do not sing His Praises, even for an instant. ||2||

mwieAw ko mdu khw krqu hY sMig n kwhU jweI ]
maa-i-aa ko mad kahaa karat hai sang na kaahoo jaa-ee.
Why are you intoxicated with Maya? It will not go along with you.

nwnku khqu cyiq icMqwmin hoie hY AMiq shweI ]3]3]81]
naanak kahat chayt chintaaman ho-ay hai ant sahaa-ee. ||3||3||81||
Says Nanak, think of Him, remember Him in your mind. He is the Fulfiller of desires, who will be your help and support in the end. ||3||3||81||