bikh-ee din rain iv hee gudaarai

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1205-10)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

ibKeI idnu rYin iev hI gudwrY ]
bikh-ee din rain iv hee gudaarai.
The corrupt person passes his days and nights uselessly.

goibMdu n BjY AhMbuiD mwqw jnmu jUAY ijau hwrY ]1] rhwau ]
gobind na bhajai ahaN-buDh maataa janam joo-ai ji-o haarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He does not vibrate and meditate on the Lord of the Universe; he is intoxicated with egotistical intellect. He loses his life in the gamble. ||1||Pause||

nwmu Amolw pRIiq n iqs isau pr inMdw ihqkwrY ]
naam amolaa pareet na tis si-o par nindaa hitkaarai.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is priceless, but he is not in love with it. He loves only to slander others.

Cwpru bWiD svwrY iqRx ko duAwrY pwvku jwrY ]1]
chhaapar baaNDh savaarai tarin ko du-aarai paavak jaarai. ||1||
Weaving the grass, he builds his house of straw. At the door, he builds a fire. ||1||

kwlr pot auTwvY mUMfih AMimRqu mn qy fwrY ]
kaalar pot uthaavai mooNdeh amrit man tay daarai.
He carries a load of sulfur on his head, and drives the Ambrosial Nectar out of his mind.

EFY bsqR kwjr mih pirAw bhuir bhuir iPir JwrY ]2]
odhai bastar kaajar meh pari-aa bahur bahur fir jhaarai. ||2||
Wearing his good clothes, the mortal falls into the coal-pit; again and again, he tries to shake it off. ||2||

kwtY pyfu fwl pir TwFO Kwie Kwie muskwrY ]
kaatai payd daal par thaadhou khaa-ay khaa-ay muskaarai.
Standing on the branch, eating and eating and smiling, he cuts down the tree.

igirE jwie rswqil pirE iCtI iCtI isr BwrY ]3]
giri-o jaa-ay rasaatal pari-o chhitee chhitee sir bhaarai. ||3||
He falls down head-first and is shattered into bits and pieces. ||3||

inrvYrY sMig vYru rcwey phuic n skY gvwrY ]
nirvairai sang vair rachaa-ay pahuch na sakai gavaarai.
He bears vengeance against the Lord who is free of vengeance. The fool is not up to the task.

khu nwnk sMqn kw rwKw pwrbRhmu inrMkwrY ]4]10]
kaho naanak santan kaa raakhaa paarbarahm nirankaarai. ||4||10||
Says Nanak, the Saving Grace of the Saints is the Formless, Supreme Lord God. ||4||10||