guroo guroo jap meet hamaaray

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (190-12)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

rwiK lIAw guir pUrY Awip ]
raakh lee-aa gur poorai aap.
The Perfect Guru Himself has saved me.

mnmuK kau lwgo sMqwpu ]1]
manmukh ka-o laago santaap. ||1||
The self-willed manmukhs are afflicted with misfortune. ||1||

gurU gurU jip mIq hmwry ]
guroo guroo jap meet hamaaray.
Chant and meditate on the Guru, the Guru, O my friend.

muK aUjl hovih drbwry ]1] rhwau ]
mukh oojal hoveh darbaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your face shall be radiant in the Court of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

gur ky crx ihrdY vswie ]
gur kay charan hirdai vasaa-ay.
Enshrine the Feet of the Guru within your heart;

duK dusmn qyrI hqY blwie ]2]
dukh dusman tayree hatai balaa-ay. ||2||
your pains, enemies and bad luck shall be destroyed. ||2||

gur kw sbdu qyrY sMig shweI ]
gur kaa sabad tayrai sang sahaa-ee.
The Word of the Guru's Shabad is your Companion and Helper.

dieAwl Bey sgly jIA BweI ]3]
da-i-aal bha-ay saglay jee-a bhaa-ee. ||3||
O Siblings of Destiny, all beings shall be kind to you. ||3||

guir pUrY jb ikrpw krI ]
gur poorai jab kirpaa karee.
When the Perfect Guru granted His Grace,

Bniq nwnk myrI pUrI prI ]4]54]123]
bhanat naanak mayree pooree paree. ||4||54||123||
says Nanak, I was totally, completely fulfilled. ||4||54||123||