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ijin guir mo kau dInw jIau ] (240-1, gauVI, mÚ 5)
jin gur mo ka-o deenaa jee-o.
The Guru who gave me my soul,

Awpunw dwsrw Awpy muil lIau ]6] (240-1, gauVI, mÚ 5)
aapunaa daasraa aapay mul lee-o. ||6||
has Himself purchased me, and made me His slave. ||6||

Awpy lwieE Apnw ipAwru ] (240-2, gauVI, mÚ 5)
aapay laa-i-o apnaa pi-aar.
He Himself has blessed me with His Love.

sdw sdw iqsu gur kau krI nmskwru ]7] (240-2, gauVI, mÚ 5)
sadaa sadaa tis gur ka-o karee namaskaar. ||7||
Forever and ever, I humbly bow to the Guru. ||7||

kil klys BY BRm duK lwQw ] (240-2, gauVI, mÚ 5)
kal kalays bhai bharam dukh laathaa.
My troubles, conflicts, fears, doubts and pains have been dispelled;

khu nwnk myrw guru smrwQw ]8]9] (240-3, gauVI, mÚ 5)
kaho naanak mayraa gur samraathaa. ||8||9||
says Nanak, my Guru is All-powerful. ||8||9||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (240-3)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

imlu myry goibMd Apnw nwmu dyhu ] (240-3, gauVI, mÚ 5)
mil mayray gobind apnaa naam dayh.
Meet me, O my Lord of the Universe. Please bless me with Your Name.

nwm ibnw iDRgu iDRgu Asnyhu ]1] rhwau ] (240-4, gauVI, mÚ 5)
naam binaa Dharig Dharig asnayhu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, cursed, cursed is love and intimacy. ||1||Pause||

nwm ibnw jo pihrY Kwie ] (240-4, gauVI, mÚ 5)
naam binaa jo pahirai khaa-ay.
Without the Naam, one who dresses and eats well

ijau kUkru jUTn mih pwie ]1] (240-4, gauVI, mÚ 5)
ji-o kookar joothan meh paa-ay. ||1||
is like a dog, who falls in and eats impure foods. ||1||

nwm ibnw jyqw ibauhwru ] ijau imrqk imiQAw sIgwru ]2] (240-5, gauVI, mÚ 5)
naam binaa jaytaa bi-uhaar. ji-o mirtak mithi-aa seegaar. ||2||
Without the Naam, all occupations are useless, like decorations on a dead body. ||2||

nwmu ibswir kry rs Bog ] (240-5, gauVI, mÚ 5)
naam bisaar karay ras bhog.
One who forgets the Naam and indulges in pleasures,

suKu supnY nhI qn mih rog ]3] (240-6, gauVI, mÚ 5)
sukh supnai nahee tan meh rog. ||3||
shall find no peace, even in dreams; his body shall become diseased. ||3||

nwmu iqAwig kry An kwj ] (240-6, gauVI, mÚ 5)
naam ti-aag karay an kaaj.
One who renounces the Naam and engages in other occupations,

ibnis jwie JUTy siB pwj ]4] (240-6, gauVI, mÚ 5)
binas jaa-ay jhoothay sabh paaj. ||4||
shall see all of his false pretenses fall away. ||4||

nwm sMig min pRIiq n lwvY ] (240-7, gauVI, mÚ 5)
naam sang man pareet na laavai.
One whose mind does not embrace love for the Naam

koit krm krqo nrik jwvY ]5] (240-7, gauVI, mÚ 5)
kot karam karto narak jaavai. ||5||
shall go to hell, even though he may perform millions of ceremonial rituals. ||5||

hir kw nwmu ijin min n AwrwDw ] (240-7, gauVI, mÚ 5)
har kaa naam jin man na aaraaDhaa.
One whose mind does not contemplate the Name of the Lord

cor kI inAweI jm puir bwDw ]6] (240-8, gauVI, mÚ 5)
chor kee ni-aa-ee jam pur baaDhaa. ||6||
is bound like a thief, in the City of Death. ||6||

lwK AfMbr bhuqu ibsQwrw ] (240-8, gauVI, mÚ 5)
laakh adambar bahut bisthaaraa.
Hundreds of thousands of ostentatious shows and great expanses

nwm ibnw JUTy pwswrw ]7] (240-8, gauVI, mÚ 5)
naam binaa jhoothay paasaaraa. ||7||
- without the Naam, all these displays are false. ||7||

hir kw nwmu soeI jnu lyie ] (240-9, gauVI, mÚ 5)
har kaa naam so-ee jan lay-ay.
That humble being repeats the Name of the Lord,

kir ikrpw nwnk ijsu dyie ]8]10] (240-9, gauVI, mÚ 5)
kar kirpaa naanak jis day-ay. ||8||10||
O Nanak, whom the Lord blesses with His Mercy. ||8||10||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (240-9)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

Awid miD jo AMiq inbwhY ] so swjnu myrw mnu cwhY ]1] (240-10, gauVI, mÚ 5)
aad maDh jo ant nibaahai. so saajan mayraa man chaahai. ||1||
My mind longs for that Friend, who shall stand by me in the beginning, in the middle and in the end. ||1||

hir kI pRIiq sdw sMig cwlY ] (240-10, gauVI, mÚ 5)
har kee pareet sadaa sang chaalai.
The Lord's Love goes with us forever.

dieAwl purK pUrn pRiqpwlY ]1] rhwau ] (240-11, gauVI, mÚ 5)
da-i-aal purakh pooran paratipaalai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Perfect and Merciful Lord cherishes all. ||1||Pause||

ibnsq nwhI Coif n jwie ] (240-11, gauVI, mÚ 5)
binsat naahee chhod na jaa-ay.
He shall never perish, and He shall never abandon me.

jh pyKw qh rihAw smwie ]2] (240-11, gauVI, mÚ 5)
jah paykhaa tah rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||2||
Wherever I look, there I see Him pervading and permeating. ||2||

suMdru suGVu cquru jIA dwqw ] (240-12, gauVI, mÚ 5)
sundar sugharh chatur jee-a daataa.
He is Beautiful, All-knowing, the most Clever, the Giver of life.

BweI pUqu ipqw pRBu mwqw ]3] (240-12, gauVI, mÚ 5)
bhaa-ee poot pitaa parabh maataa. ||3||
God is my Brother, Son, Father and Mother. ||3||

jIvn pRwn ADwr myrI rwis ] (240-12, gauVI, mÚ 5)
jeevan paraan aDhaar mayree raas.
He is the Support of the breath of life; He is my Wealth.

pRIiq lweI kir irdY invwis ]4] (240-13, gauVI, mÚ 5)
pareet laa-ee kar ridai nivaas. ||4||
Abiding within my heart, He inspires me to enshrine love for Him. ||4||

mwieAw islk kwtI gopwil ] (240-13, gauVI, mÚ 5)
maa-i-aa silak kaatee gopaal.
The Lord of the World has cut away the noose of Maya.

kir Apunw lIno ndir inhwil ]5] (240-13, gauVI, mÚ 5)
kar apunaa leeno nadar nihaal. ||5||
He has made me His own, blessing me with His Glance of Grace. ||5||

ismir ismir kwty siB rog ] (240-14, gauVI, mÚ 5)
simar simar kaatay sabh rog.
Remembering, remembering Him in meditation, all diseases are healed.

crx iDAwn srb suK Bog ]6] (240-14, gauVI, mÚ 5)
charan Dhi-aan sarab sukh bhog. ||6||
Meditating on His Feet, all comforts are enjoyed. ||6||

pUrn purKu nvqnu inq bwlw ] (240-14, gauVI, mÚ 5)
pooran purakh navtan nit baalaa.
The Perfect Primal Lord is Ever-fresh and Ever-young.

hir AMqir bwhir sMig rKvwlw ]7] (240-15, gauVI, mÚ 5)
har antar baahar sang rakhvaalaa. ||7||
The Lord is with me, inwardly and outwardly, as my Protector. ||7||

khu nwnk hir hir pdu cIn ] srbsu nwmu Bgq kau dIn ]8]11] (240-15, gauVI, mÚ 5)
kaho naanak har har pad cheen. sarbas naam bhagat ka-o deen. ||8||11||
Says Nanak, that devotee who realizes the state of the Lord, Har, Har, is blessed with the treasure of the Naam. ||8||11||

rwgu gauVI mwJ mhlw 5 (240-17)
raag ga-orhee maajh mehlaa 5
Raag Gauree Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (240-17)
ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Kojq iPry AsMK AMqu n pwrIAw ] (240-18, gauVI mwJ, mÚ 5)
khojat firay asaNkh ant na paaree-aa.
Countless are those who wander around searching for You, but they do not find Your limits.

syeI hoey Bgq ijnw ikrpwrIAw ]1] (240-18, gauVI mwJ, mÚ 5)
say-ee ho-ay bhagat jinaa kirpaaree-aa. ||1||
They alone are Your devotees, who are blessed by Your Grace. ||1||

hau vwrIAw hir vwrIAw ]1] rhwau ] (240-18, gauVI mwJ, mÚ 5)
ha-o vaaree-aa har vaaree-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice, I am a sacrifice to You. ||1||Pause||

suix suix pMQu frwau bhuqu BYhwrIAw ] (240-19, gauVI mwJ, mÚ 5)
sun sun panth daraa-o bahut bhaihaaree-aa.
Continually hearing of the terrifying path, I am so afraid.

mY qkI Et sMqwh lyhu aubwrIAw ]2] (240-19, gauVI mwJ, mÚ 5)
mai takee ot santaah layho ubaaree-aa. ||2||
I have sought the Protection of the Saints; please, save me! ||2||