Dasvandh Testimonial
Dasvandh Testimonial
Amrit Kaur and Siri Hari Hari Singh Khalsa
Anchorage AK, U.S.A.

When we were first married, we gave about one percent per month to Dasvandh. Since Amrit Kaur has always been self-employed, we felt it was hard to know what our income would be from month to month and we tended to be conservative. After a couple of years we took a leap of faith to give to God and let God cover us. We began increasing our contribution. We increased it $50 for a couple of months. Like magic, money came in to cover the increase ten times over and other increases of $50. Sometimes it was scary to add that $50 but we never went without for having done so. In fact, we noticed an interesting phenomenon. If we were short of money and held our Dasvandh check, it was very difficult to collect outstanding receivables. If we mailed the Dasvandh contribution and held some other check instead, the money would immediately come pouring in to cover Dasvandh and more. We now give our full ten percent and continue to regularly increase the amount $50 at a time and we continue to be showered with the bounty of the universe. We have through God’s Grace truly learned that the more we give the more we have to give.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: January, 1994
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