New and Exciting from KRI
New And Exciting From KRI
Satya Kaur Khalsa

The Kundalini Research Institute was created to manage the process of sharing the teachings of Yogi Bhajan. KRI works with authors and producers by granting license to use the copyrighted teachings of Yogi Bhajan, by reviewing all products for accuracy of presentation of those teachings, and by awarding the KRI Seal of Approval - your assurance that the product will deliver you the teachings as they were given by Yogi Bhajan.

We want to share with you some new and Exciting KRI approved products:
* Breathwalk - this is the innovative and powerful program
developed by Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. and Dr Gurucharan
Singh that combines the healing power of walking with
mantra and breath techniques.
* Meditations for the New Millennium - one page synopses
from each of Yogi Bhajan’s public lectures in the year
2000, so you can stay in touch with the most current
wisdom of the Master! Complete with descriptions and
photographs of the meditations . Available by subscrip
tion shortly after the class is taught. For more information
call 505 747 9329 or email at [email protected]
* Sacred Sexual Bliss by Dr Sat Kaur. Written in a unique
and descriptive style, this book is based on information
imparted directly to her by Yogi Bhajan.
You won’t want to miss it!
* Therapeutic Gong - a CD created
by Dr Hari Simran Singh.
* Anatomy of Miracles - written by
Subagh Singh, this excellent guide
brings readers into the Sacred Space
that is the source of the Sat Nam Rasayan healing experience.

Coming soon….
* This August IKYTA, KRI and 3HO will be offering the
second core module of the KRI International Level 2 Teacher
Training program, a course entitled
“Humanology”. This manual, full of wonderful information
on all aspects of human life, will be available only to course
participants. For more information contact 3HO at
1-888-346 2420
* Life Changing Yoga - a new comprehensive and practical
book on Kundalini Yoga by Shakta Kaur Khalsa, published
by Dorling Kindersley.
* Self Experience - a new yoga manual by Harijot Kaur Khalsa,
with kriyas and meditations from three decades of Yogi
Bhajan’s yoga classes.
* The KWTC ‘99 Manual of Yogi Bhajan Lectures

Let us help you create products using these incredible teachings so that this information can be available in every language, to every human being. Please contact us:
KRI - Tel: 505 753-0562 email [email protected].
You can also find us on the 3HO website.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: June, 2000
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