Yogi Bhajan Lecture Archive
Lecture by :
Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi Ji
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Lecture on: 07/22/1996
Category: Master's Touch Course
Location: Espanola, NM

The Golden Rules of a Teacher

You have come here to become Teachers, is that true?
Class: Yes, Sir.
YB: You are learning. If you do not know how to obey, you shall not know how to command. Is that understood?
Class: Yes, Sir!
YB: If you cannot obey, you shall never be in a position to command. If your five tattwas cannot obey, your five tattwas cannot, shall not, will not command. It doesn’t matter how much you study, how much you read, how much you know, and how powerful you think you are, you shall never have the grace to penetrate. Your words shall never have the power to make other people obey, because you have not obeyed.
It doesn’t feel good, does it? No. Our normal tendency is, “I don’t want to obey, but I want to command.” If your inner Self, the inner essence, the inner being does not have the capacity to obey the teacher, you shall never become a teacher who shall be in a position to command a student. This is the Law of the Golden Rule. And this law you can never break. Difficult, right? It is difficult. (Some students say, "No.") What do you mean, “No.” Don’t be stupid with me. It is difficult, I know that.
When I started with my teacher, we were about 258, I don’t remember exactly; it was something like that. When we finished we were three left. I will tell you my own story.
One day I was just fine. My teacher said to me, “We are going to go to the district office.” He said, “Come along with me and put on your English suit.”
“Okay.” So I wore a suit and tie and the whole thing: pants, boots and polish—you know, here you would call it very business-class. You know what I’m saying? On the way he said, “How tall can this tree be?”
I said, “About twenty feet.”
He said, “As you are, can you go up?”
I said, “Yes.” I was very stout, strong. So I put the boots on the side, and I climbed. It was very difficult, but I made it to where a split was.
Then he said, “Well, stay here ‘till I come back.”
How many of you would stay with that teacher? He came back three and a half days later. When I came down, he said, “Oh, come on, now. Let’s go.” He never said, “How was it, what happened? I mean, are you alive? How did you go to the bathroom? How did you this...?” Not a word, man. Absolutely nothing. “Let’s go!” We went.
Four, five days later he said, “Come here, sit down. What did you learn?”
I said, “I learned how to sleep on the tree. I learned how to poop on the tree. I learned how to pee on the tree. I learned how not to fall, and I learned how to eat.”
“What did you learn?”
I said, “The young leaves of that tree are very sweet and edible, the old ones are bitter and rotted. And, that tree had splits four, five, six splits. And every split gets water in it.” So I said, “One of those splits where there was water, I kept for drinking, another to clean myself and wash my hands and....”
He said, “How did you poop?”
I said, “I sat between the two branches and let it go! What else?”
“How did you sleep?”
I said, “I didn’t sleep very well, but, because I knew it was twenty feet down, I did tie a few branches, and that was good. It was nice.”
“What was the difficulty?”
I said, “This damn suit. That was very difficult.”
“Why?” he said.
“Because you said, ‘Stay ‘till I come back. Be here as you are.’ Do you remember, Sir?”
And he said, “Yes.”
“Sir, I still had this tie on; when I came down I was still the same.” Because on that tree, I said, “What he has said means something.” A Teacher gives you an experience; a preacher gives you philosophy. Without experience you can never become a Teacher, you become a parrot. There’s a difference between a wise Teacher and a wise parrot Teacher. They “quack quack” everything, they know everything, they can talk everything, but there’s never an experience.
You will always question. “This Teacher sleeps with his students, this Teacher steals from the students....” You have a million experiences, and are a million stories—I have heard all that, I have gone through it. From a Teacher's point of view, you also betray, you also are treacherous, you also lie. You also think your imaginations are true. You also seek sexual and sensual flirtation. You are a maya, too. But between the lines, if you want to understand, do not accept a Teacher ever if you have to have a question. Don’t. Just be friends, visit, have fun.
And especially in Kundalini Yoga, we do not initiate. If you are that much of a standardized idiot that you cannot initiate yourself, you don’t need to be initiated. That’s the law.
The second law in Kundalini Yoga is: If you ever come empty handed, you shall go empty handed. Empty handed you come, empty handed you go. So you must pay first. Kundalini Yoga cannot be taught until the fee is first paid. Bheta. So there’s no obligation. You pay the teacher, he teaches you. Matter ends. There’s no relationship. So if you don’t want to sleep with him, don’t. Is that clear?
Class: Yes, Sir.
YB: You are forgetting. I know. You are gringos. You have not been properly oriented. You have come here to become Teachers. This is not a class where you are just students, and you take a class and go away because you paid a couple of dollars.
When I used to teach and students never had any money, I used to scatter money in the parking lot so they could collect it and come to the class. Some collected it and never came to the class. But it was part of the game. We’ll never break the rule.
You serve, you do business, you live your life, but if you’re a Teacher, then Mother Nature and the Divine and God serve you. There are two ways to live: One is you love God, the other is God loves you. A teacher is loved by God; man loves God. There’s a difference.
So if you want to become a Teacher, you must understand, you are the beloved of God. Therefore, you shall not beg, borrow, or lie for existence. You shall not ask. Everything shall come, and in abundance. You are the Lord of Prosperity, you have the power of prayer, and you have the purity of projection. These three things you must understand. They belong to you when you are a Teacher, as a matter of right. It’s not a favor.
Whatever comes to you as a Teacher, it comes from God. It shall go to the altar. If it doesn’t go to the altar, it will ruin you. One wrong action of a Teacher, the next life is as a cockroach. So it’s better that you keep a cockroach around you. If a Teacher faults, whether he escapes the justice of this world, whether somebody harms him or not, somebody abuses him or not, or he abuses somebody or not, it doesn’t matter at all. One wrong action of a teacher, and the entire divinity guarantees your next lifetime, and that next lifetime is as a cockroach. Because one who’s responsible to give light and responsible for light, gets into darkness and lives through a darkness; then the next life is nothing but darkness, that’s cockroach.
First of all, I told you very clearly, don’t have a Teacher. It’s not written that you should have a Teacher. But once you have a Teacher, guru, whatever you call him—Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Guide, spiritual friend, idiot, spiritual idiot—it doesn’t matter what you call him, it’s your concept. But once you call him and accept him, never deny him, because then only can you be redeemed in that linkage. You cannot be redeemed otherwise, it doesn’t matter what God wants and what God does. That is called the Law of Final Destination.
You each have a longitude and latitude at which you were born. Do you understand that? Every town has a longitude and a latitude at which you are born. Then from a teacher you will learn altitude and attitude to rule, to command. Purkha must make the Prakirti obey. That’s the rule. But because it’s a Western world, it’s not a mature world. It doesn’t have the aspect and respect for the Teacher. Therefore, when you become a teacher, speak the truth. If somebody doesn’t want to hear it, doesn’t want to obey it, diplomatically “dip low” on the mat and slip out. Understand?
Class: Yes, Sir.
YB: Then never teach that student. Just become a friend. That garbage is not worth even looking at. That is your divine privilege. There’s no forgiveness in it.
These are a few Golden Rules. Otherwise that student will become your destruction, because then you’ll teach out of attachment, not out of truth. A student has to only directly or indirectly disobey once. In your lifetime you cannot teach that student. Help him, love him, serve him, inspire him, guide him, give him anything you want, but never give him the teachings. And teaching is not what I am giving you. Teaching is when I say, “You are taught!” That’s the beginning, that’s the middle, that’s the end of teaching.
Because you are Western you think a teacher teaches, discusses, philosophizes, lectures. You listen to the tapes, you read the books. I know. That many thick books. You are all blind, deaf, and most stupid. Stupid of the extreme, insane order. If all the libraries can make you teachers, why is anybody unwise? Don’t you understand the simple rule of thumb? The crown of spirituality is bestowed, it can never, shall never, and will never be conquered. Three things are not under your control: Love happens, devotion and dedication are unlimited, and the honor of spirituality is bestowed. You cannot earn it, you cannot buy it, and you cannot wangle it or manipulate it. Is that clear?
Class: Yes, Sir! (Students are not in unison in their response.)
YB: You can’t even speak "Yes, sir." What are you doing here? It means you are not alert, you are not simultaneous, and you are not one voice.
It is my job to freak you out. No, no, it’s true. This is not a convention or convocation or some seminar or workshop. Please forgive us. You have not come here to make your presence very pretty. You have come here to be roughed up, and brought to the essence. Don’t ever come to a class to become teachers if you do not have the determination that, “I shall not go from here without going into myself, and telling myself: Be a Teacher.” With that determination you will get it. This is not a fashion class or a business class. It is a class to become a teacher which can command the tattwas, the four elements, and Heaven and Earth. The price? Teachers are always put on the cross or on the stake, or betrayed by their students. That must happen. Your end will be very earthly unpleasant because you shall be tested for heavenly endorsement. Is that understood?
Class: Yes, Sir!
YB: Buddha was poisoned by his own most trusted disciple. Lord Rama was betrayed by his own archer. Lord Krishna was denied by his most powerful devotee. Hazarat Mohammed never had a good time, ever. That man had to pick up a sword to fight for every day of his existence. A Teacher’s life is not a life of glamour with people touching your feet and thinking wonderful things about you, your sermons, all your beauty, and your gorgeous aura. A Teacher can bring God and Itself into him at his will. That is granted to him. But on the other side, the price of this is he’s the only one who will sit on the fire and just smile. If you are not ready for the price, then don’t allow people to touch your feet and say “hello” to you.
The universe, Prakirti, the creation, shall serve you as a Teacher. It’s a privilege of Prakirti. But on the other hand, you shall withstand insult, totally insulating yourself from it. A yogi is a person who is not God, and who is not human, and who is not an angel, or a devil. The pair of opposites do not affect a yogi—neither praise nor insult. That’s a yogi. A Teacher is the one whom the pair of opposites do not affect. To the ugliest and to the most bountiful, he or she only gives blessings.
Suffering is honor. A Teacher suffers both ways. A Teacher suffers in serving, a Teacher suffers in commanding. A Teacher first suffers in chiseling, a Teacher suffers in blessing. A Teacher suffers all personal sufferings, because a Teacher is the example of guidance through time and space, and time and space is the test. The test comes only through suffering, and this qualifying through suffering gives you the contentment and happiness that you are everlasting, infinitely immortal. That’s how Teachers become immortal.
If you cannot rise above pain and pleasure, desire and demand, it doesn’t matter how many scriptures you know, and how charming you are. I have seen a teacher seducing students. Not for sex, for everything. Everything. What an insult to a status. Why does a teacher have to seduce? The world wants to seduce him. God wants to seduce him. Maya wants to seduce him. There’s not one thing which can exist which shall not seduce. The sensory system is just to seduce a Teacher.
Why are you in such a hurry? Wait. Become a Teacher and see how things come to you. They don’t come to you. You are a vehicle. In you there is the purity and piety of a Teacher that you must protect and serve. Then out of your word will come humans who will be invincible, blessed, bountiful, beautiful, and in bliss. You shall rule time and space, and your generations will be happy, healthy, and holy.
This six- to eight- inch penis is not Venus, and your two balls are not eyeballs, and they do not give you the third ball to see Heaven and Earth at the same time. Therefore you are born blind, you live blind, and you die blind. The sensory system does not give you the common sixth sense. If you can prostitute this life which you earned, and the chance, which is a great blessing, that you can become a Teacher, if you let it go, you will start as a cockroach. Marrying a saint is a righteous thing. After that, do you know what life you take on? A squirrel. You know that little thing which collects nuts, runs after the birds? It is a very pretty animal. These are all wives of the great teachers who never saw them as teachers. They did not become cockroaches, but one life above it. Have you talked to them? No? Talk to them, they speak. Their previous life was the wife of a great Teacher. They are very blessed animals. Sometime go see them, take some food; she will do a kissing, kissing thing, and swing her tail. They are very good. They are very friendly. You don’t have to listen to them. Just decode their body language. You’ll find them. They are pretty, and you are attracted to them.
Have you seen those Teachers who have never obeyed their teacher? And have you seen those men who have never honored themselves as a Teacher? All dogs with a fallen ear. Have you seen them? We call them “dumb dogs.” You buy the smartest dog, at six months he will become dumb. That’s a Teacher.
It is not very professionally likable that you want to become a Teacher, because there comes a responsibility with this power. You think people touch your feet, people bow to you, you say, “Bless you.” Do you understand what is waiting for you? For what? One mistake. You are only to commit one mistake. If you miss what you are supposed to take, that is the next life. Do you want to continue this course or do you want to go home?
CLASS: (Laughter.)
YB: A Teacher doesn’t hear—he’s deaf. He doesn’t speak—he’s dumb. He doesn’t see—he’s blind. He just carries the teachings. He never amends them, never adds to them, never subtracts from them.
You don’t interpret it; you just respectfully carry it to another, and that to another, and that to another. When you do this, all knowledge will come to you. Everything will dawn on you. Your teacher will speak in you. Your Teacher will guide in you. Then people do not respect you—they divorce you, they insult you, they demand of you. Your relatives will insult you. It’s not you they are attacking. It is like how a moth attacks acandle. When a dog has a collar and a chain, all the street dogs become a reception committee and bark. Your own children will bark at you. Your own wife will insult you. Your own father and mother will abandon you. Finally, my dear Teachers, you will be left by all those who have more Earth and less Heavens. Because your path is of the Heavens, not only your Heavens, but you have to give people the Heavens. That is your virtue as a teacher. You are not spiritual prostitutes. You are spiritual power. As a teacher it’s your destiny to grant the Heavens, and to whom you grant, God cannot have the power to refuse. That’s your ordinary power. When you bless, angels obey. Why to get upset?
If you don’t believe my words, see the life of Nanak. Read the life stories of those who have taught the Word, and see their suffering. Because God sees to it that their attachment is never fulfilling. Because a Teacher is the Lord of the Heavens, the Earth is always testing in vengeance.
You don’t have to ask. A Teacher prays for only one thing,

Sarbat da bhalaa
-from the Sikh daily prayer, Ardas
May all people prosper.

"My Lord God, my Creator who has given the responsibility to carry me in this, carry all in essence to prosperity. Make them beautiful, bountiful, and blissful."
A Teacher does not draw the line, a Teacher does not discriminate, a Teacher doesn’t say “no,” a Teacher doesn’t refuse. A Teacher is always a victim of jealousy, intrigues, treachery, betrayal, slander, because a Teacher is the one institution which is an easy target. But does a Teacher feel all that? No. He smiles.
I take a walk every morning and pass these dogs. They all bark at me. I say, “Well, you never listened to me last time. Now you are barking at me. For what?” That’s my reception committee. I pass through them every morning. They never listened then, they never listen now. They barked then, they bark now. They are all my relatives. But what is wrong in that? Everybody has a soul. Every soul is related in this time and space. What is the difference if somebody’s in the body of a dog or a cat or a rat or a cockroach? We are all the same, the soul is the same. You see it as different? You see God as different in a dog? Do you think people who insult you are different from those who praise you? Don’t you understand it’s a balanced world? Praise and insult are all in equilibrium, in balance. Prayer and prestige—in prayer you are humble, in prestige you are dominant—it is in balance. There cannot exist anything in the universe which is not in balance, and nothing can grow which is not in harmony.
You know what my principal word is when somebody accusingly says, “You.” You will find me always smiling. Because that moment a man is individually prostituting me, he does not see me as an institution, he sees me as a prostitute. And that happens to every teacher. People always see you as an individual. And you must know and see and believe and trust you are never an individual. Your “I” is for you an institution. A Teacher is an institution for help, for service, for raising people’s consciousness, and granting them the Heavens. He’s the guarantor—he or she, whatever— is the guarantor. A Teacher is the guarantor that the other person’s life becomes heavenly. So if you are teaching a class for that ten or fifteen dollars, you are not in the right job.
And don’t go by the charm of a Teacher. You know, on this planet I have not met one man who has not asked, “Yogiji, how many students do you have? How many ashrams do you have? You have done a wonderful job.”
But a Teacher only sees the flow of God and is just a vehicle. Have you seen a water tap in a building, where you press the button and water comes. You quench your thirst and you leave? Understand?
Class: Yes, Sir.
YB: So there are some souls who come to you, and you are the water tap. They press and bow and open their mouths, and you, through the nectar of wisdom, give them the Heavens. Beyond that you are nothing. If you think you are anything other than that, your karma will catch up with you. But on the other hand, when a thirsty one has that in his mouth, he’ll say, “Oh, God, wow!” In absolute ecstasy, then man chants the mantra of ecstasy, “Wahe Guru.”
Sometime listen to your heart on a sonogram machine. It is a loud frequency of three. “Waa-Hay Guroo. Waa-Hay Guroo.” (Says this in a rhythmic whisper imitating the sound of a beating heart.) It’s a funny sound. Take a stethoscope, put it to your ear, put it at your heart, listen to yourself. What a big noise is there. “Hum, hum, brahm, hum; hum, hum, brahm, hum.” Four valves open and close. But what do you do? You don’t listen to that. “You are a Jew, you are a Christian, you are a Sikh, you are a Muslim, you are a Hindu.” I don’t know who the hell you are? Nobody knows that.
As long as your “I” is your “I,” your Third Eye will never open. As long as your Third Eye is not open, it doesn’t matter how much you do—parties, trade, business, politics—you shall never be respected. Remember this: If your presence cannot command respect, your orders won’t. Don’t waste your words. If a person doesn’t understand your body language, he will never understand your spoken language. So become very dedicatedly delicate and essential.
Rule one: You must look smart. The art of a teacher is: Look smart, be smart, talk straight. Never be right or wrong, always be neutral. Speak not through the positive mind nor the negative mind, but from the neutral mind. And whenever you have to confront a calamity or a pleasure, take the altitude. Adjust the attitude. Do not react right away. Somebody may say, “Ahh, Yogiji, you are great. Ha ha ha ha.”
“Un huh. Un huh. Yogiji’s never great. Great is the Maker of Yogiji.” Don’t forget. And don’t forget the Maker. The day you forget your Maker, you will be just shaken. Do not get attached to the that which is given, be attached to the Giver.

Day(n)daa day lai(n)day thak paa-eh. Jugaa jugantar khaa-hee khaa-eh.
-Guru Nanak, Siri Guru Granth Sahib, page 2 (from 3rd pauree of Japji Sahib)
God, the Giver, constantly gives His gifts and the recipients become tired of receiving them. Throughout all the ages all have been eating what is given.

The Giver gives, those who taketh get tired. Through time infinite this rule has prevailed.
Learn to communicate through common notion. “Communication” means “common notion.” Notion is to declare yourself. Let it be known that “I am a teacher, I’m a vehicle, I’m a pipe, I bring you the teachings. They are not mine.”
Have you ever seen sometimes in class someone will ask, “Should I close my eyes?”
I say, “I didn’t read that. I don’t know. Close or open as you choose.” I never asked. I was a very good student.
You can learn by questioning or you can learn by blessing. When you learn by blessing, you will be bestowed the crown of spirituality and then Almighty God will love you and shall serve you, because His entire nature will be at your command. But when you question, you will go into the cycle of birth and death forever. That’s the price you shall pay. Because where there’s a doubt, man will never find the route. When you obey, there’s nothing to say.
I’ll tell you what happened. I was tested once. I was in Los Angeles, and one Swami-ji was a very good friend. I really respect him and love him, too. His five main directors came flying all the way to meet me, and I talked to them in private. They said, “Well, Swami-ji has gone insane. Swami-ji has said this thing.” And they showed me the paper. I looked at the paper.
I said, “The orders are wrong. Are you sure they are signed by him?”
“Yes. Yogiji. We have come; he’s your friend, you call him and let him know this is not right.” Do you understand that? It was a very clear thing.
I said, “No. I will not call him.”
“Why not?”
I said, “He’s my friend, but he is your Teacher. He has given you in writing to do this, is that true?”
I said, “Just go and do it.”
“Yogiji, do you understand what it means?”
I said, “Yes, I understand, it is wrong, and very, very great damage will happen, I know. But you have come for counseling, is that true?”
I said, “Then I advise you to go back and tell Swami-ji, ‘We had a good meditation, and we have decided to obey your orders, and we are going to implement it.’”
So they did it. Swami-ji said, “Wait a minute. What did we write? Show me the paper.” He saw the paper. He said, “It is not correct.” He tore up the paper.
They called me, “Thank you for calling Swami-ji.”
I said, “I didn’t call.”
“But he tore up the paper.”
I said, “God is a teacher, too. He was testing you guys. If God would not have come at that moment, then the institution of a Teacher would have fallen. That is not the Will of God.”
“Are you sure, Sir?”
I said, “Did I ever lie to you guys? I told you I didn’t call.”
“He did it on his own?”
I said, “Yep.”
And there’s another foolishness which Kundalini teachers do. They mix so many things —astrology, numerology, tarot cards, yum-yum, yu-yu, bananas-pananas-chatanas. They are afraid to cover their head when they teach. They want to be very popular. If you want to sell yourself, sell in the open market, but do not take a profession as a Teacher. Don’t insult this institution. In the end you will be sorry and regret it. Teachings are never for sale, and a teacher is never for a price. You are priceless, guaranteed by the One who made this universe.
A Teacher is the personal honor of God Himself. Otherwise, just a simple law: If a teacher is not protected by the Creator, the teachings are not protected by the Creator, insanity will be the rule of the universe. But it has to be in balance—sanity and insanity. Therefore, the institution of a Teacher shall have to be protected, whether God likes it or not. It’s a rule of thumb. It’s a law of existence.
And when you teach the teachings purely, you shall not be offended. Tested? Yes. Insulted? Yes. Betrayed? Yes. Spat at? Yes. But will you in the end lose honor? No. Will you not be worshipped? Yes, you will be. There’s no way, because through you only can God prevail. God has no other channel. But God prevails through a Teacher, and a Teacher is a balance, and each balance is that which has two equal sides. A coin has two sides: tails and heads. So people will talk your tale, and people will love to chop off your head. And if you are willing to accept this, you can be a perfect Teacher.
The first person who attacks you will be your spouse. Second will be your relatives. Third will be your students. Fourth will be your intimate friends. And fifth, you’ll be seduced and induced to everything called “Temptation.” Just remember, this comes with the territory. Because under every candle, there’s a dark shadow. It’s not that you are a bad Teacher; it is just that intimacy brings contempt. Therefore, do not worry about that contempt. They are innocent.
When I go to India, all these people say to me, “Ahh, what do you care for us poor Indians? Those white-skinned gringos, you just love to teach them. What’s wrong with us?”
I say, “It’s not wrong. You are rotten. Look at them. They sit for three days doing White Tantric Yoga, from nine o’clock to six-thirty, go through all what they go through. You can’t go through thirty minutes of it. That’s open, you can come there too.” Did we ever stop anybody from coming to the Summer Solstice? Did we tell them not to do sadhana there with us? When we go through the White Tantric, do we refuse anybody? But you need steel butts to sit through those hours. In Kundalini Yoga you need steel butts, steel determination, and steel self, and that has to be white, stainless steel. There’s no other way.
Come on. We have eleven minutes, and we are going to do it. Come on. Ready?
Class: Yes, Sir. (Spoken weakly, in a scattered fashion.)
YB: Shame on you. I taught you this morning, and in the afternoon you forget? Do you hear me?
Class: YES, SIR! (Said powerfully, in unison.)
YB: That’s better. That’s reasonable.
This is called Giaan Sudhaa Simran Kriya. It’s a long name. Giaan-Sudhaa-Simran-Kriya. It’s the Sacred Kriya of Kundalini Yoga.

Put your hands like this, and put your fingers as wide as they can go. Now watch this. This looks easy, but it’ll blow your cover soon. Take these elbows by your ribcage. It’s called “Guidance of the Soul.” If perfected by a man, that person shall have power over death, life. Not of himself and herself, but all that there is.
Please open wide these three fingers. Your lower back will move. Your butt will be up off the ground, that much shock is there. Put on the tape Tantric Har. I’ll relax and watch how you can do it. When I did it, I had a pain for three days. I remember my days. Utter no word. Each time you must be lifted by your own power. Do not tip yourself. Don’t do it.
You are losing! Hurry up.
Stop. Stop, stop. Stop, stop, stop. You think it is a joke? The more you are in pain, the more you must push. A status will come when there will be no pain, and these three fingers must remain apart and stiff. We’ll give you three more minutes. You can get it or forget it. Well, you have come here to become Teachers of tomorrow. A man shall have, on the press of the button, forty mega-trillion units of information. They can’t handle that chaotic insanity. You shall be the hope. What do you think you are? People? Girls and boys? Women and men? Then learn to confront calamity, pain, and hazardness, and overcome them. Now!
Power. Power. Give yourself power.
Good, good, good, good, good. If you would have done it like this, you would have gotten the experience, you cheats. Now you are doing it right. But I have to say, “Good night” to you because my time is up. I have to teach a class over there. Anyway, you missed it. We’ll do it tomorrow, okay?
Class: Yes, Sir!
YB: You have not learned to speak from the navel. If you do not speak from the navel, you will never be alert, and if you will not be alert, you shall not have a mastery over time and space. It’s a simple rule. Why don’t you understand science? “Two and two” makes four. It’s not going to make five, not going to make three. Rules are rules. Those who have to rule, shall obey the rule! That’s the principle needed here. Reverence shall not need reference. Obedience shall command the sensory system of being, and you’ll become human. Otherwise you shall remain in the body of a human, an earthling who has no future but comes on the Earth to pick up the next lifetime in the animal kingdom or in the birds.
The soul has its own power. The soul has a purpose: to be redeemed. You come from Infinity, go through the finite, unto Infinity you must exit. And you have Infinite power to do that, by your will. That’s why God gave you the will. The finest will of the Infinite God is that you must exit to the Infinite Will. And you can do that only when you shall understand that you are absolutely to obey the command so that you absolutely can command. You must please have clarity and understanding. There’s nothing outside of you. It’s already in you. These are very simple things.
When a woman loses reverence to a man, that man become her reference. There’s no relationship. It’s over. Finished. When a man loses the ability protect the woman, man loses the prospect of life. There are no two lies about it. It’s very simple. You must know it. You must understand the fundamentals. You have to become total to know the Total. You must learn to obey totally to command totally. It’s a simple balance. There is no God but you.

Aad pooran mudh pooran ant pooran parmesureh
-Guru Arjan, Siri Guru Granth Sahib, page 705
The Transcendent Lord pervaded in the beginning, pervades in the middle,
and shall pervade in the end.

In the beginning you are perfect, in the middle you are perfect. In the end you are the perfect God. That’s your merging point. Otherwise, cycle and recycle, you will be different than Coca-Cola bottles and paper bags.
I’m not teaching you a class here. I’m helping you to become Teachers. You have come here to become Teachers. Once you become Teachers, God shall pay you respect, reverence, and you shall have beauty, bounty, and bliss. If you fail, time shall nail you into the cycle of birth and death. Half of life is in water, half of life is in the air and on the Earth. Denial is the cockroach; indifference is the squirrel and the dog. That’s why you can’t get rid of dogs. There are so many, they end up in pounds and shelters. They never obeyed. I wish they should have obeyed God’s Will at that time. What was wrong with them? They came here to finalize.
You have taken courage. “It isn’t the life that matters. It’s the courage you bring to it.” You have taken courage, you have come here. It’s all new to you, and I am unknown to you. Please forgive me. I’m trying to be very polite and as gracious as I can be, but that is against my being as a Teacher. So I’m bearing my own insult and living my own corruption to teach you as politely as I can. But normally our relationship is like that between a stone and a chisel of time, and the hammer of a teacher. You must go fully chipped, shaped, and polished. And for that, if you are dishonest in your cooperation, you will not get the psyche to invoke in you the rise of your will. And it’s your will, and at your will God’s Will must obey. Therefore, you must learn to obey first. There’s no miracle about it. It’s a simple, scientific law. Cause must have an effect, and effect must create impact—permanent and infinite. Good night.


© YB Teachings, LLC 1996
Above Article Copyright © Yogi Bhajan 2002. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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