Yogi Bhajan Lecture Archive
Lecture by :
Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi Ji
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Lecture on: 12/01/1983
Category: Class Lectures
Location: Unknown

A Lesson in Reverence

In this country, in this culture which is known as the great Western culture, abusiveness is a normal way of communication. My God, I could never have believed it. To me, it is bad enough to advantage of the fact that a person has fallen from grace, much less going to the extent of being abusive.

I remember once when we were being taught by my teacher and a student came and knocked at the door. My teacher banished him and said that he could not see him for one year. Our lesson was that you should have the courtesy to wait for the guard and ask him if it is the right time to go in or not. You are not displaying reverence if you just knock. You are not being graceful enough to wait if you disturb the Master’s talk.

Later, our teacher gave us a free day when we could ask anything we wanted, within the framework of reverence. We asked our teacher about that student. We felt that he had been called to the Master’s presence and to banish him for one year of learning was far too much punishment. He said, “This is also learning. Whenever you are to go for wisdom and truth, be very humble. Go to a saintly person to gain wisdom with utmost humility. Humble yourself so much that you can fulfill yourself.”

© 1983 YB Teachings, LLC
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