Yogi Bhajan Lecture Archive
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Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi Ji
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Twelve Signs


When the universe and all its stars

Start dancing and crossing the orbit

Leaving the trails of light

In triangles of the zigzag,

The very existence and its loyalty is called Aries.


When the meek becomes the mighty

And righteousness comes down

Into the center of the self

And softness passionately takes over the kindness,

The universe comes through a standing ovation,

Blessing the grace of the power of the Lord;

That is the mighty bull, the Taurus.


When the innocence loves the innocence

And openness becomes secretive

And the blending of the three worlds* comes to an end,

Gemini is experienced.

*(Past, present, future)


When all the stars dance around the moon,

Reflecting the mighty sun,

In the dawn of the day

And in the beauty of sunset,

Total sum is the children of the moon,

Reflecting through the tears,

The self and the selfless, that is the Cancer.


When I was whisking away in the meadow,

I heard the roar of the lion,

And saw their pride laughing at me

Because I couldn’t be like them

Master of the beast….Singha.


In the crystal self

I saw the sophisticated plight

Of the coolness of the moon,

And the lightness of the breeze

Showering kisses in the morning

And the beauty of a tiny crystal

Of purity of water dew

And nurturing essence of the fire

Like a glow in the sun

I was amazed being a Virgo.


When the divine needs to be figured out,

Nobility needs to be experienced,

Divinity needs to be practiced

And the human wants to see the light

The balance of Libra creates harmony

With ecstasy of consciousness

To preserve the dignity of all living creatures.

In that preserved state of consciousness

Where the law of life is balanced

The domain of the Libras exists.

In that existence,

The human can serve

The dark and the light

In the equality of love.


When all the Akashic records

Are seized to be one,

By the force of the wind

And power of the stars,

And when the Lord

Of the air and ego attacks and eats

The consciousness of the worlds

The dancing cobra, Scorpio is realized

From nothing to everything,

From anything to nothing

In one moment.


When the power of the beast

Surpasses all limits,

And when the infinity

Merges in the bountiness of realization,

In the sophisticatedness of that virtue,

It is the Sagittarius.


When all the movement comes to an end

And endless becomes endlessness,

When the totality of God

And the mighty sense of the beauty of wisdom

Enjoys the relationship with lofty character of firmness,

A Capricorn is born

To glorify the world for his totally firmness.


The most wonderful and exalted self of the being,

Starts flowing like heavenly nectars

In the very being of all

That its sees, touches, smells and penetrates

In that flow of life, Aquarius exists

As a lily in the pool of water.


Everything from beginning to end

Is the beauty and the bias of life;

Which runs in circles

And keeps the history of the universe in records,

Chasing from tail to tail.

And, when all characteristics of the character

Become humble and re-emerge to resurrect,

A Pisces is born like a slippery fish

Which cannot live without water

But water can live without it

To prove the glory of non-existence

For the existence of tomorrow.

©1988 The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

Above Article Copyright © Yogi Bhajan 2002. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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