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2006 Lord Of Miracles Tour Touring Bolivia, S. America - 6


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    by S.S. Gurubachan Singh Khalsa

    As we approached El Alto Airport in Bolivia we knew that something was wrong. The lightning, fierce rain and heavy winds were affecting the safe landing of our flight from Sao Paulo to La Paz. The pilot was doing everything to stabilize the aircraft but the strength of the winds at the 15,000 feet altitude level of El Alto airport would not permit us to land. After narrowly escaping slamming into the runway with the wings of the airplane we were barely able to abort the landing. We continued onward to Cochabamba, Bolivia to ride out the storm. When we finally returned and landed in El Alto we all congratulated the pilot for reaching us to safety and thanked Guru Ram Das for his protection.

    Bright eyes from El Alto.

    Teaching the executives of Coca Cola the ancient science of stress reduction through the technology of Shabd Guru and Kundalini Yoga.

    La Paz sits at 14000 feet above sea level and is the highest city in the world. It is a great mix of indigenous Andean peoples, Spanish and Germans. La Paz looks like it has been built inside a portion of the Grand Canyon. It is totally breathtaking and unbelievably gorgeous. The city pales itself though compared to the beauty of its people.

    Local Indigenous dancers from the jungles of Bolivia pose with S.S. Gurubachan Singh and Sham Kaur of Bolivia. Gurubachan Singh spoke to the children on the importance of maintaining their culture and values in these modern times.

    S.S. Gurubachan Singh leads a group of the young teenagers in a meditation. More than 80 of these young adults and children live and play under the bridge.

    Bolivia is the soul of South America. The bright colors and intricate diversity is woven into everything that is Bolivian. As for the sangat of Bolivia all you have to do is look into their eyes to understand their depth of devotion and commitment to Guru Ram Das and the teachings. One of the highlights for all of us was being given the opportunity to serve 80 abandoned street teens and their babies who live below a bridge in La Paz. Our sangat has done a langar program for them every week for the past 10 months. They not only serve the free kitchen but also gift them with blankets, jackets, and other necessities. That day we also served them chocolate cake. The night before I was praying and telling Yogi Bhajan how I was missing him. He came to me in a dream and said he wanted chocolate cake. We laughed and I said, “Sir, they won’t let you have cake.” We laughed again and he said, “I want chocolate cake”. At that moment the phone rang to wake us up and I decided we should serve chocolate cake at the free kitchen. In his honor, we served 80 people chocolate cake. They loved it. And I think Yogi Bhajan got the cake he wanted times 80! During our visit we also taught them to breathe and meditate. It was impressive how well they did it for the first time. Before leaving one lady came up and blessed me countless times and said she is so happy because she had a meal that day. She did not know when she would have her next meal. For me, it was very emotional.

    Manuel (Sat Singh) serenades all of us with sweet sounds of the Bolivian flute.

    Sham Kaur serving chocolate cake from the hood of a car.

    Langar being being served to the bridge family.

    El Alto is a large indigenous city that sits another 1500 feet above La Paz. Numbering more than a half million native people, El Alto is often the center of demonstrations that actually places La Paz under siege for months at a time. Literally no food, gas, oil, petrol or any other commodity is permitted to enter the capital city when it is under siege. It can be a very intense environment when the winds of politics and human rights are center stage. It was a real miracle of Guru Ram Das that on this tour we were the first visitors to ever make a presentation in El Alto. Normally, El Alto is overlooked by the international community. Our conference on stress management was popularly received by the all the executives of the Coca Cola Company to the point that they are now contracting ongoing Kundalini Yoga Classes for all of its employees. Furthermore, the government of El Alto has requested that we formulate programs for drug and alcohol abuse prevention, stress reduction and family management/relationships.

    Ad Purkh Kaur and Angad Kaur pose with a young mother.

    Teaching a high school class on the power and experience of chanting Har.

    The Lord of Miracles lecture and class in La Paz, Bolivia.

    The Lord of Miracles class in La Paz doing Pranayam.

    You will witness all that we experienced through the beautiful pictures we have included with the captions. From the soul of South America, Bolivia, we send these pictures to your heart. We hope you enjoy it………

    to be continued from Mexico!

    Previous articles:
    2006 Lord Of Miracles Tour Touring Brasil, S. America - 5: Brasil is a great country of almost 200 million. They are a happy people who...more

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