New Mexico Calendar of Events
New Mexico Calendar of Events

Each breath brings a chance. It brings a choice - about what to say, how to act, where to go. In each breath, there is a possibility, a seed for happiness. Kundalini Yoga is a technical system, thousands of years old, for nurturing that seed of happiness.

Come to New Mexico this summer. Immerse yourself in the practice of Kundalini Yoga. Study with Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga. Claim your birthright to be Happy.

Summer Solstice June 16-June 24
Summer Solstice is the largest Kundalini Yoga festival in the world. Eight days filled with the practice of Kundalini Yoga, meditation, prayer, White Tantric Yoga, music and celebration. It is unlike anything you will ever experience in your life. It can change you forever. Get set for a week in the mountains, living in a tent, focusing completely on your spiritual growth.

Khalsa Women’s Training Camp Self-Mastery 2000 June 25 - July 1 July 2 -July 8
Do you know the strength within you? The compassionate power of you? The flawless grace of you? A creatively conscious woman of caliber, with her mind focused on Spirit, can change the world with one quiet word. Through Kundalini Yoga we learn this is the birthright of every woman.
Experience these qualities at KWTC. This year the curriculum includes six focus areas to allow you to explore your gifts and challenges:
· Guru’s Blessing: the opportunity to immerse yourself in the experience
of the sound current;
· Abundance and Prosperity: from intention into reality;
· Healing Hands-on Showcase: study Sat Nam Rasayan with Guru Dev
Singh Khalsa and women healers from
around the world;
· Creative Am I: focusing on practical; fun and creative arts
· Exercise Track: includes walking, gatka, dance and Pilates;
· Weekend Workshops.

The Master’s Touch July 12-29 - KRI Certified Teacher Training Level I
As more people search to find spiritual meaning in their lives, the role of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher takes on increasing importance. This year, Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga, will teach teachers and students how to build their grace and character and to open themselves to be a channel for the Kundalini Yoga experience. A team of accomplished KRI Teacher Trainers will lead you through this unparalleled training intensive.

Humanology: The Science of Living August 1-5 - KRI Certified Teacher Training Level II
Whether you are interested in teaching or simply wish to deepen your understanding of the technology of yogic living, this course is sure to inspire and uplift you.
This course includes:
· Lectures by Yogi Bhajan
· Yogic techniques specific for women, men, and teenagers
· Yogic philosophy to help you navigate the passages of life
· Yogic technology on sexuality, relationships and communication

For more information on these events contact 3HO
Tel: 888 346-2420 505 753-4988 Fax: 505-753-1999 Email [email protected].
From Prosperity Paths Issue: June, 2000
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