Being A Zero
Being a Zero
Dr. Harbhajan Singh Khalsa
Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.

At class last week the Siri Singh Sahib said something like, "Become nothing and you will become everything and then prosperity happens." I was thinking, "I wonder, what becoming nothing means?"

The Siri Singh Sahib guided us through a meditation and during it he coaxed us to become nothing, not a man, not a women, not a body. It was very blissful and nice but after the meditation, ZAP! Here I was back to being this or that, a man, student, Jethadar. Then it came to me that the practical way on a daily basis to become nothing, so that you can be everything and prosperity can flow in, is to do seva and to give. These two virtues are cornerstones of our lifestyle and they allow us to become prosperous by becoming nothing.

When we are asked to do seva or to give money, many very important things pop into our minds. I can't because of this or that, I don't have enough time, money, etc., etc. I, I, I. At that moment if we sacrifice, give up the I, become nothing, take the leap to give (the money and/or the time) that act does a very profound and powerful thing. To make that leap we have to set aside the I, set aside the fear of being taken advantage of. We have to set aside resentment, doubt and guilt, and when these old emotions are canceled the underlying essence of our being, the part of us that's a part of the Infinite Intelligence, can have access to our mind and being. When fear, guilt, doubt, resentment occupy our mind, it's like the power of the universe which is always with us to guide us every moment to prosperity and abundance, calling us on the phone and it gets a busy signal, beep...beep....beep. Fear, doubt, guilt, anger. The creative ideas, opportunities and energy field of infinite possibilities can't get through.
These emotions -fear, doubt, guilt, anger - are only perceptions or assumptions and they are for the most part, false. FEAR=False Evidence Appearing Real.

The Universal Intelligence and Force flows in everything. It rotates the galaxies and solar system, sprouts seeds, causes a flock of swallows and schools of thousands of fish to migrate and turn in unison on a dime. That intelligence is in us and is available. The zone that athletes get into is a practical example. After doing all you can to learn and perform in the event, there is an experience of letting go, becoming neutral, nothing and once the athlete is "out of the way" a certain effortless flow occurs. The flow, abundance, happiness, bliss is our birthright. It is available, and it takes making that sacrifice of the worried, fearful, doubtful ‘I’ to become nothing, then into that nothing space the universe pours everything.

So try it! See what happens. Give even though you don't think you have enough time and money and see how it can make you nothing so that you can be everything................... abundant and prosperous!
From Prosperity Paths Issue: March, 1995
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