Dasvandh Article - The Simplest Things
Dasvandh – Giving to Infinity
The Simplest Things

Darshan Kaur Khalsa
My name is Darshan Kaur and I have recently started working in the area of Dasvandh. It is a new area for me and it forces me to think differently about finances, money, tithing and security - for which I am grateful. And perhaps for that reason alone has God destined me to serve this area. Now I find myself responsible to share, inspire, thank and carry on the amazing job Atma Kaur did, and I am a little awestruck. In preparing for my first Dasvandh article for Prosperity Paths, Suze Orman’s book (9 Steps to Financial Freedom) came to mind and I would like to begin by sharing this passage.

“…I learned about what is called the dharma of money, which means the “right action” of money. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, I now know the following principle is true: We experience prosperity, true financial freedom, when our actions with respect to money are dharmic, or righteous, actions - that is, actions of generosity, actions of offering.

“Money flows through our lives just like water - at times plentiful, at times a trickle... We all have the capacity to receive plenty more than we need if we allow it. When you make an offering, the glass will be filled again and again and again. I knew I always felt better right after I made an offering - stronger, worthier, more powerful. And after a while I began to believe that it was no coincidence that after I made such an offering, more money would always begin to flow my way.”

It’s all about the simplest things and we are so blessed. Giving allows us to receive everything which is meant to be ours and it is a way for us to express our gratitude to the Infinite. Old sayings come to mind, things like: “What goes around comes around” and “Always give 10% to God.” With our Sadhana, we are giving 10% of our time; with Dasvandh we are giving of our abundance and thereby allowing the flow of prosperity into our lives.

Thank you for your contributions, your generosity, your faith and your love. Please contact me in the new Dasvandh office if you want to share your experiences, begin a new personal tithing program, increase your existing tithing program or if we can serve you in any other way. God bless you.

Sikh Dharma Dasvandh Tel: (505) 747-0388
Route 2 Box 4 Shady Lane Fax: (505) 753-5973
email: [email protected]
From Prosperity Paths Issue: June, 2000
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