Prosperity Technology
"Back By Popular Demand - Part 2"
Back By Popular Demand – Part 2
Prosperity Technology

To Become Rich and Prosperous
(Excerpts, Summer Solstice 1996)
“By tendency you are not very agreeable most of the time. You are more concerned with your scare tactics and insecurities than with your power to expand. I’m going to give you a very handy tool, one that you can use anywhere, and you’ll become rich. I’m not going to give you printed money, but I will give you a tool of prosperity. I would like you to be your own judge, see how it works. There are a lot of things you can’t do. You can’t look unique. You can’t look extraordinary. You don’t want to be excellent, because you are afraid of the responsibility. But if the psyche is corrected once in a while for a few minutes here and a few minutes there, you will be surprised how much good you can do to yourself.

To become rich and prosperous with wealth and values, is to have the strength to come through. It means that transmissions from your brain, and the power of your intuition, can immediately tell you what to do. You will be in a position to change gears. If you need to go in reverse, you can go in reverse. If you need to go forward, you’ll go forward. This is a very old and simple system.

This side of my hand along the pinky is called “Moon.” I hit the “moon” sides of my hands together. This side of my hand along the index finger is called “Jupiter.” I hit the Jupiter sides of my hands together. Alternate hitting the Moon sides and the Jupiter sides. Hit hard. Chant “Har” (play the Tantric Har tape along with it). Look at the tip of your nose. Note: You

should not do it more than 3 minutes when you are working during the day, or you will become too rich. I am not joking. Let us do what works. Any time you are puzzled and in bad shape, do three minutes of this mantra. doing it for 11 minutes a day is more than enough. Doing it too much will be greed. It stimulates the mind, the moon center, and Jupiter. When Jupiter and the moon come together, there is no way in the world you will not make wealth. Har, Har, Har…I am only trying to tell you what God tells you - that it is all in you, not outside. It’s going to work.

There are times when you are depressed, there are times when you are impressed. When you are impressed or depressed you will all do the wrong things. That’s a fact. You become a vacuum. Stretch you arms up at 60 degrees. Open your fingers, spread them wide. The fingers have to be totally stretched. Then cross your arms in front of your face. Left first then right. Cross the arms and keep them straight. Do not relax the fingers at all.

This is the English mantra. The words are the same. You know the id, the thumb? Make a tight fist around it. press it hard, like you are squeezing the blood out of it. With the arms at 60 degrees move the arms in small circles. Press the id. Press hard. With each circle you make of your arms chant: “God” from the navel. God has three letters: G - generates, O - organizes, D - delivers and destroys. They are three sounds. When God is chanted from here, then God is God. The circles must make the entire spine shake. Sometimes you’ll find you are lifting yourself from the ground. Don’t worry. it’s not a small exercise. Now go, stretch it as tight as you can.

All right. Now suppose nothing works, you don’t remember things, you want to get out of trouble but you can’t reach anybody. Bend your arms at the elbows, hands in front of you, palms facing in. The right hand is outside, the left is inside. The right hand moves up a few inches, the left moves down, then both come back to the center. While you do this, just chant “Har Haray Haree Wahay Guru…” these are the only sounds in the world. A mantra is a sound current of tongue and upper palate. Cut down your karma forever. Deeper - make the sound from your navel. Try with honesty. Now whisper - whisper strongly. Use the prana, burn the disease. Change the metabolism. Now whistle.

Bring the arms in front of the chest. Bend the arms at the elbows, palms facing down with the right arm over the left arm. Keep the arms steady. Close your eyes and breathe long and deep. They should be parallel to the ground. That is the law. Keep the spine straight. Don’t let the arms fall. Breathe one breath per minute. Use 20 seconds to inhale, hold the breath for 20 seconds, use 20 seconds to exhale. Try it and see what it does for you. Breathe consciously, one breath a minute.

The exercises in this set must all be done for the same length of time - either 3 minutes or 11 minutes each. This is a complete set. It is called Subagh Kriya. By doing Subagh Kriya you can turn your misfortune into prosperity, fortune and good luck.” -Siri Singh Sahib (aka Yogi Bhajan)
From Prosperity Paths Issue: June, 2000
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