
The Amrit Procedure

The Amrit Procedure
Men and women stand on their respective sides of the Gurdwara. One Piara is designated to help the candidates as they come up, showing them how to sit in virasan, cup the hands, etc. Candidates are called up one at a time to receive the Amrit, alternating between men and women. The candidate sits in virasan in front of the bata, facing the Guru. An empty iron bowl is placed between the bata and the candidate, to catch any spills. Any Amrit spilled into the second bowl remains there. The Panj Piaray stand on either side of the bata without turning their backs to the Guru. The candidates place both palms up, their right palms tightly over the left.

Each Piara, while administering the Amrit to the candidates, should be careful not to touch the candidates, so as to keep the vibration of the Amrit untouched. Each Piara proclaims, Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh! while placing a sip of the Amrit into the cupped hands of the candidate; he or she then immediately drinks the Amrit and responds, Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh! This is repeated a total of five times for each of the candidates.

Each Piara then sprinkles some Amrit into the eyes of the candidate. The candidate keeps his/her eyes focused upon the Guru. The Khalsa greeting is proclaimed by the Piara as the Amrit is sprinkled, and repeated by the candidate. This is repeated a total of five times for each candidate.

Each Piara then scoops some of the Amrit into his or her hands, and drops it onto the top of the head at the Crown Chakra (the Dasam Dwar or Tenth Gate) of the candidate. The Khalsa greeting is called and repeated five times for each candidate. The turban (or chuni) should have been moved away from the Crown Chakra so that the water drops directly upon the hair.

All the Piaray together then lightly place their right hands upon the head of the candidate. At the same time, they recite the Gur Mantra: Wahe Guru. The candidate repeats Wahe Guru after the Piaray. This is repeated five times.

The newly initiated Khalsa bows to the Guru, moves to the side and faces the Sadh Sangat, greeting them with folded hands, Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh! The Sangat responds to the greeting, and then the newly initiated Khalsa sits down in the Sangat, and adjusts his or her turban to cover the head again, without leaving the room.

This entire sequence is repeated for each of the candidates.

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