
The Guru Granthi

The Granthi is a dedicated trained Minister who is fully attached to the activities of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. The word Granthi in essence is "gra-nath" or knot...tied to the Guru. The Granthi has a relationship of understanding of, as well as service to the "Living Word of God." He or she must be fluent in reading Gurmukhi, and educated in all aspects of the Guru’s care. He or she will develop an esoteric relationship with the Guru and will have some experience and faith in the subtle magnitude of the Guru’s power to uplift, direct and transform any person who comes to the Guru for help.

This is an esteemed position which requires a person who exemplifies Khalsa values in practice and reputation. The duty of serving the Guru also extends to service of the Sadh Sangat. A sangat of five Amritdhari Sikhs becomes the Guru. Grace, dignity and humility are important characteristics of the Granthi.

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