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Summary of Question:Sach Kand=Heaven?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/15/2006 6:23 AM MDT

waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh

Does sach kand mean heaven, if yes i thought sikhism doesn't believe in heaven. Also is getting to heaven a purpose for life.Do we sikhs seek heaven. If a non sikh told me if you belive in Jesus you wuill get to hevaen. How should i responce to him or her.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Beyond "heaven" is the Infinite, and we want to chant God's Name, serve the Guru, serve mandkind living as righteous Sikhs so that we can merge with Akal Purkh, God Itself, when we leave behind the limitations of this physical body -- and leave behind the imaginations of the mind. Our IDENTITY (NAM) is TRUTH (SAT) and we want to expand into that reality when the body dies. Everything comes from God, and everything shall return to God -- including us - eventually. Some souls can't reach all the way, and stop in various "way stations." Or sooner or later are reborn until in some blessed liftime they clear away enough of their karmas to be able to re-unite with the God, from which they came. Remember we chant AKAALl when someone dies, in order to help the soul reach Akal Purkh! Our Shabd Guru, the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, really answers these questions best, by giving us the words of enlightened men of different religions, not just Sikhs, who experienced God and share the wisdom they gained. I don't think this answer will satisfy your Christian friend, but it's something to think about! Blessings, SP

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