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Summary of Question:Confused
Date Posted:Wednesday, 3/31/2004 5:08 AM MDT


I dont know how to ask this question..i actually am not even sure about it myself...
Lately i feel like things and people inmy life...almost everything is like becoming fake..not in a bad sense..but in a sense that i want to seek out more in the world...when i pray/do baani's i feel so much better..but at the same time i feel that other things are not real and many people that i love or care for most in my life are going farther and farther from me.
Sometimes i feel that i put too much effort into things and that later on in rleationships and in tihs life thati wil lbe dissapointed.
Is there any particular baani that you can suggest for me to medidate and focus on and is there anything i can read that can help me clarify things.
I know this is a weird/confusing question..i just dont evne know how ot ask it..its like its in my mind but im not sure how to put it into words.
Can youplease help me and suggest something?Is there a particular time or amount of days i should do a particular baani?
I guess i am asking because i need some kind of clarification or sometihng of my life...i want to medidate on something that will help me calify things in my life because at this point..most of everything...i see it as being very cloudy.
Please let me know what you think, thank you for your time and always thank you for this great seva you are doing.
Guru Ang Sang.
Rabb Rakha.
**Thank you.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. To be "in the world, but not of it" is an ideal state of mind. It seems you are starting to feel that, but you don't quite understand it yet. It's true that all our friends and relations, everything in this world is temporary, and the reality is God and Guru. Yes, there can be disappointments in life, but remember, it's not the life that matters, it's the courage that we bring to it. We are not renunciates, and we don't run away from the world, nor turn our backs on it. We try to appreciate all the blessings of experiencing this creation in the physical bodies that God gave us, and try to make it a better world for our having spent time here! It took many lifetimes to receive this gift of a physical vehicle and we each have certain karma -- lessons to work out -- in this lifetime. We need to find a balance between our awareness of the "maya," the illlusion in which we participate daily, and the reality of SAT NAM that is our true identity. What you need to understand and clear up your confusion is in Japji Sahib. You might try reciting it 11 times a day for 40 days -- but be sure that you also read a translation (it's here on SikhNet) so that you know what Guru Nanak taught in his magnificent words. There is nothing wrong in enjoying God's creation so long as you always keep in mind that all things come from God, and all things shall return to God, including us, so it's best to spend time every day before sunrise chanting God's Name, communicating with that Divine Self within us. I hope this helps a little. Blessings, SP

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