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Summary of Question:Re: Friendship
Date Posted:Sunday, 2/04/2007 12:28 PM MST

I have been in this phase, and I am still in this phase. I also met a guy a year ago on the net, and I also thought that he was the one waheguru brought into my life. I felt in love with him. I still assume he is a kind guy, trustworthy and decent, because we always talked about waheguru and life, not about sex and those stuff.

I told my parents about him and they told me he has to tell his parents about us. But for some kind of reasons he couldn’t tell his parents about us.
In the last year I have felt a lot of strong emotions. I am 21 years and for the first time in my life I felt something. I was very confused, and sometimes I am still confused because I don’t understand it, I still ‘love’ him. But I felt very guilty, very guilty and I was very confused.

That is why I talked to waheguru, It seemed as HE was giving me a sign, such as ‘ putter, this has to do with your karma, stop thinking about him, perhaps it is good guy, but don’t put your life into his hands, you will spoil your life and your study and career’.

Please sister, I know what you are going trough, and it is all very confusing because I suppose you are true from inside, such as me. Don’t trust anyone to fast, trust yourself, the guru in you. Close your eyes and talk to waheguru, don’t feel guilty, you haven’t done anything wrong. To fall in love is not a crime ;-), but keep in mind that love is beautiful, and if you are suffering from this pain, then probably there is something ‘wrong’ in the love you are feeling.
Try to love yourself, try to do some paath and I am sure you will get back on track.


A. Kaur

My dear sweet girl,

This is a great challenge for you to master. Accept the process, and you will be very happy.

Love can be a blind well of emotion. Guru is guiding you very well and telling you what you know is correct. Your intuition is very clear and that is why you have such guilt and seeming anxiety about this friendship. It is a fascination with your own mind not even with this fellow.

Look at it this way. All of society around you is telling you to flirt and your inner truth is telling you to be Alert and not flirt. So you must work with your self to remove the duality so you can feel whole and balanced within. Bringing your mind under your direction and cleaning out all the garbage of the thoughts that it is feeding you is a daily process of meditation.

You remove the fixation on this guy to regain your balance and internal focus... I would suggest that you incorporate the ONE MINUTE BREATH into your daily routine...for 31 minutes a day for the next 90 days.

This is available from the Youth forum........please reference it in a search. Essentially it will be 20 seconds inhale through the nose, 20 seconds hold the breath in and 20 seconds exhales the breath. The count would be to the mental chant of Sa Ta Na Ma counting from the tip of the finger plus the 3 joints including the thumb....... on 5 fingers gives you 20 counts. Eyes looking inside at the 3rd eye center.

Start this daily same time and place for 90 days. You will get clarity and your mind will calm down. When you complete, read a hukam from your Guru or nitnem each day. You will be amazed at the awareness, wisdom and composure this will bring.

Wahe Guru God bless you,

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