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Summary of Question:Fear
Date Posted:Thursday, 4/22/2004 9:17 AM MDT

Sat sri akal to all.

I have been felling afraid of evil, I know most of the time its my mind playing tricks on me,
but i have this fear in my stomach, I know I have watched to many movies,
but i feel like some evil or devil is going to get me, or some black magic.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Yes, it is your mind that has the habit to think thoughts of fear, and then the thoughts become feelings so you live in a state of fear all the time. We meditate and chant God's name to gain control of the mind, so that we control the thoughts that we choose to pay attention to. The more you pay attention to any thought, the stronger it becomes. Stop watching scary movies, and start having FAITH that God and Guru are with you every moment, with every breath! Because that is a fact! Faith is the opposite of fear. Chanting Aad Guray Nameh, Jugaad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guru Devay Nameh whenever you feel frightened will help you, as you are calling upon the first four Gurus to surround you and protect you. Spend more time reading from Siri Guru Granth Sahib, and playing Gurbani Kirtan so that your mind becomes filled with divine shabd to replace the thoughts of fear. May God and Guru bless you. SP

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