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Summary of Question:Meat By Accident
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 12/30/2003 5:19 PM MST

hello, im 18 and i took my amrit four years ago. Recently i went for a meal with my friends and i ate eat by accident. I'm totally against eating meat and im nomally so careful. When I found out it was meat i felt sick. Now i am very worried that I have broken my amrit and I feel that I have commited a big sin for this to happen, otherwise I would have been protected from it. I am feeling confused, I still love god with all my heart and I still want to be a khalsa. There is also one other thing, i find it very hard to wake up at amritvela to do my nitnem, and when i wake late i feel very guilty but i still keep on doing it, i dont know what to do? any advice will be much valued, thank you. By the way your website is wonderful, very useful, thank you. Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh.


Sat Sri Akal!!

Eating meat by accident is no sin at all! When you act with a pure mind then when something like this happens then it is okay. Since you have stated that it was an accident and that you don't eat meat on purpose, then you have not committed a sin.

Waking up at amritvela is very hard to do. You must make up your mind that you will wake up. It is in your control. There are other replies on this forum that give advice on how to wake up early, you should search for those and read them.

I hope this helps.

Gur Fateh,

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