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Summary of Question:Reply To The Question - Dukh From Gurdwara
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 9/09/2004 2:03 AM MDT

Sat Sri akal

I would like to reply to the question on dukh from gurudwara which really touched me when i was reading it.

First of all I would like to highlight that nobody in this world gets dukh from gurudwara. If you want to blame - blame yourself not others. Dukh and sukh comes along the way in ones life. When dukh comes it is a test and challenge that builds you to be a stronger person. Without dukh - do you think you would want to worship god?... I personally believe that dukh is a test of god. When dukh comes it does not mean that guruji has not blessed you. When you say you have done 13 paths and what has guruji given to you ..... does this mean that you are suppose to trade your prayers ?????......

I also believe another reason that you are facing all these is to pay off our karmas.

Your first question you asked that you are an amritdhari and why didnt god protect you - if you are an amrithdhari then i am sure you are doing your naam simran and nietnam daily - in this case you should know that god protects and takes care of everyone in this world. If you were an amrithdari you know it is wrong to have affair with the giani ji as you are already married. This was a test from god to see if you could go thru this test of his. Let me tell you this - i were in the same situation as yours. Husband going into bankruptcy - business is not running well and my in-laws curse me that since i am married there is no luck in the house, I never got attention from my hubby as his business was bugging him too much and there were times i felt very very lonely. I had 2 mis-carriages and whenever i go to gurudwara i was asked all sort of questions and my in-laws also thaught that i could not bear a child. So much pressure and i felt like there was no hope to continue living.... I almost fallen in luv with someone else who was also married - it was an internet luv. One after another test was thrown to me and there was a time whereby i thaught that god is not being fair to me. Every morning i drop by to the nearest gurudwara before i go to office and said only this....... DHAN DHAN SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI.......WAHEGURU TERAH SHUKAR HAI....... I say this word 3 times and i continue this lastly ...... GOD....GIVE ME THE STRENGTH TO OVERCOME THE DIFFICULTIES OR ANY OBSTACLES THAT I WILL FACE FOR THE DAY ...BUILD THE STRENGTH IN ME AND PLEASE GUIDE ME IN EVERY STEP THAT I TAKE.......

No doubt i was going thru alot in life but i kept on my naam simran and my daily prayers and sukhmani sahib too. But i never gave up hope and i always beleive that every cloud has a silver lining..... It has been 10 years ....i am facing all this problems and yet i am thankful to god in many other ways that he has given me good health, a roof to stay and food to eat.

In short what i would like to share here is that - it is important to build our relationship with guru and not with anyone else. Dukh and sukh comes along the way - accept it with open arms and accept dukh as a challenge/test to build u a stronger person. God will keep testing you in many ways - to see whether you are still there worshiping him BUT.....beleive me ..... he will not test you for long............

Lastly but not the least.....learn how to forgive and forget ... this will lead you to a happy life. Forgive and forget what your in-laws have said and done.... they will pay for it - in god's court.....either in this generation or next - somehow rather guruji will deal with them - leave that in his hands.

NO doubt u have gone thru a lot of depression - but thank god that you have recovered and let god to deal with those people who had put u in this depression.

forgive and forget but never forget our naam simran and the purpose we are here in this world......

sorry for anything said that might have hurt anyone......

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