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Summary of Question:Re: Waxing Hair For Modeling?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 6/17/2004 2:12 PM MDT

This is in response to the response given to this initial question ...

What do you mean that it is OK to wax you hair if it is temporary and for work? Is it OK for a woman model to cut her hair because she will succeed more in her job? And is it then OK for other Sikh men to cut their hair and beards to help them find a job and to keep on doing so until they are well established? After all it is all temporary and in these aimed to acheieve a good goal (finding/keeping employment).

I do believe other situations may warrant removing hair (ex. medical reasons), but for work? Next it may be for special events, such as marriages, etc.

From what i know, Guruji didn't say to remove your hair during times of inconvenince, but rather to keep the gifts that have been provided to you, cherish them and to let Him take care of the rest. Have faith in Him.

I do believe the choice of what to do is up to the individual themselves, and at the end it is between that individual and Guruji, but i don't agree with the reasoning given by the moderator.

Sat Siri Akaal. I STAND COMPLETELY CORRECTED. I was thinking of waxing for hair control (holding in place), NOT hair removal. ANY KIND OF HAIR REMOVAL, whether it is cutting, waxing, electrolysis, shaving, plucking, is against Sikh practice, PERIOD. Thank you for making me think twice on this.

In the end, as Sikhs we have to think about those lines of work that compromise our lifestyle as observant Sikhs. And perhaps choose early on professions and careers that don't require these kinds of questions.
guru ang sang,

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