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Summary of Question:Re:Last Word On White Sikhs
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/05/2003 8:44 AM MDT


As an Sikh of Indian ancestory please let me ask for your forgiveness for what happened! I am sorry that you were treated so badly and above in such an unSikhly manner. I am sorry that no one acted as a true Sikh and defended or supported you. I should hope had i been there I would have stood with you as a Sikh sister and supported you and defended you. Again I am sorry but not all "Punjabi" Sikhs are that ignorant, as I hope you will experience.
Your friend if needed,
Pushpinder Kaur


Thank you for your kindness and openness. If we are ever going to change this world, we have to start with ourselves and how we treat one another. GTKK

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