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Summary of Question:Contradictions About Dying Hair
Date Posted:Sunday, 9/07/2003 9:34 PM MDT

I'm not a Sikh, but I'm very interested in learning about the religion and have considered converting. I typed "Hair" in the search engine and have read several questions posted in the forum; your answers are always helpful.

However, when someone asked whether or not it is acceptable for a woman to bleach facial hair, the answer was that, yes, it would technically be okay, because she would only be bleaching the hair and not removing it. But answers to other posts say that it's unacceptable to alter the hair at all, because in its natural state your hair and body are as God intended for you, and to change it is an insult to your Creator.
So could I please have a final answer: is it okay or not for a Sikh to bleach any hair on her body?
Also, I have another question: I have colored my hair in the past and it's in the process of growing out. If I do choose to become a Sikh, can I continue to cut off the dyed part of my hair until it's all gone, so that all my hair is one color?
Thank you so much for taking the time to help me, I appreciate it very much.
Jessica G. (18) of Vermont, USA

Sat Nam, Jessica - "unacceptable" sounds harsh, doesn't it? The Sikh lifestyle is not a collection of rigid "do's" and "don'ts." It comes from a deep personal understanding that you are perfect. Perfect! Just the way you are.

We live in a culture where we are constantly bombarded by media and advertising that tells us we are too fat or ugly, or unpopular, or that our clothes aren't the latest thing, or that we need to look like _________ (fill in the blank.)

Not altering your body (i.e., leaving it as God created it) comes from a deep sense of security, being completely relaxed with yourself and loving yourself - just as you are.

Makeup and hair coloring as something playful and fun is one thing. It's temporary if you feel you don't NEED it to be who you are. But if you feel you NEED to do something to look better (or different, or like _________), then that comes from insecurity and a lack of self-confidence.

How can you be insecure when you feel your own perfection and divinity at each moment?

You're perfect.

All love, .....G

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Contradictions About Dying Hair (09/07/2003)
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