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Summary of Question:Re: Justification Of Keeping Hair
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 1/13/2008 5:41 PM MST

Hi, this is response to the person who posted this topic. If you want to see the power of kesh beyond Guru's time, look at China and Gengis Kahn.

When Gengis kahn was extending his empire throughout asia, he could not conquer china. No matter what he did, their armies retaliated and Gengis Kahns rebellion could not take control of the cities. When Gengis Kahn went to a spiritual advisor and told him how he has taken control of majority of the middle world and yet he cannot conquer its neighbour. The spiritual advisor told Kahn to fight the army once again, but take the enemies soldiers and bring baldness upon their heads and slit their third eye points (in between your eyebrows).

Gengis Kahn took control of China and their armies never retaliated.

This point is not to illustrate how you as a Sikh should keep you kesh, kesh is a lot deeper than that. Its a simple example of the shakti in this hair that grows all around your body.

When I started to grow my hair and dhara, first I was doing it for my parents; that never worked, eventually, you'll give in and the justification of your personal appearance will overcome anything else. For you to keep kesh, you have to look in the mirror and see Guru Gobind Singh staring right back at you, and think about your ancestors who gave up so much just so we could keep this kesh.

Im no way near perfect, and I know the difficulty of keeping kesh myself, its not easy! But remember why you have kesh, stand out from a million. People look at you funny, smile back. Serve people, smile, feed the world, let them know your very image and your very presence is the replica of the king of all kings, Guru Gobind Singh.


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