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Summary of Question:How To Get To Know A Sikh Girl
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/10/2005 11:04 PM MST

I am very interested in one of the girls in the school, but she is a Sikh and I have no idea of how the best way to go around and get to know her better. Is there any advice that you could get to me as I don't want to put her or myself in any uncomfortable situation. I have started to study more indepth the sikh religion, to better understand any advice you can relay.

Thank you,

Sat nam. Probably the best way is to simply ask her to tell you about her religion and culture. Be open. Don't have an agenda. Befriend her. Best if you can engage this conversation in a group situation, and not where you and she are the only people at the table, so to speak.
Depending on her heritage, she might be very shy/conservative, or not. She may have been brought up to expect to have her marriage arranged by her parents (which means no dating and no interaction with young men outside of a group situation), or not. In the USA or Canada, there is no pat answer to this question. It depends on how strictly she was raised and the expectations her family has of/for her. Some parents of Sikh girls get upset to even get wind that their daughter might be attracted to a non-Sikh or non-Indian. Some don't. Still, asking her to explain life as she knows it is a start. Thanks for asking. God bless you.

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