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Summary of Question:Love Isnt Non-Sense
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 4/20/2004 5:47 PM MDT

Hi, I am glad that person is able to let go who posted the original message. But i really disagree that love is "nonsense". I think its how we utilize our emotions. If love was emotional nonsense, wat about us loving our parents? siblings? above all our Guru? Maybe bad experiences with love should be entitled 'bad experiences' or simply 'experiences'. I think love is precious, its sacred and it shouldn't be used loosely. If you love someone don't expect them to love you back, it has to be ignited in them on its own. I am sorry if the person had a bad experience, but look at it in a positive light. It was an experience that you wont' allow to repeat, you learned from it and hopefully it made you a stronger person. Lastly, i don't believe that if you are hurting someone you love you should simply let go of them because they will be happier without you. I have had my heart-broken and i can say i wasn't happy because he let me go (with good intentions) because he thought everything he did hurted me. What would've been nice was if he was able to specifically change things that botherred me about him and we can together work on reaching a mutual ground. Anyway, i don't wish to make this posting about me. Instead i like it to be about the different faces of love, its an experience, not emotional jurgeon. If nothing else look at the various types of love..physical love, emotional love, sexual love...only you can pick and chose to determine your boundaries for love. If love wasn't around, what would we have between us and our waheguru? If anyone else has something to add or even a contrast statement i would like to read it, i like to think i am quiet open-minded. Thanks to moderators for allowing me to post my views.

<<<<< REPLY >>>>>

Sat Nam! The moderator who wrote that reply was referring to "romantic love", not to the love you are describing (i.e., "...parents? siblings? above all our Guru?")

Love is a state of consciousness. If it is love, it does not discriminate. It is a love of God in all. It is the constant experience of living with an open heart. Of seeing and loving God in all. This is what the Guru calls "Nam."

Nam is that state of being in which every moment is filled with sacredness and love. . . in which we see and love God in every blade of grass, every face we see, everything!

Romantic love is treasured in this Kali Yug, because it gives a thrill, a rush, an intoxication. It is not the real love. It is just a bubble. An intoxicating bubble filled with skin and hair and smell and the eyes and hands of the beloved. The bubble always pops. It is only a small, and temporary taste of the real love.

Real love is not a bubble. It is forever. It is infinite. When you fall into this love, you keep on falling endlessly.

Wahe Guru!


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