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Summary of Question:What Is Great About The Naam?
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Wednesday, 7/09/2003 12:25 PM MDT

What is great about the naam?

It might be great but why is naam stressed more than the other areas in bani?

why is it so impportant to recite it?

Sat Siri Akaal. Good question. If there is ONE thing in Gurbani that is covered more than any other topic, it is the rewards of reciting the Naam/the pain that continues when one DOESN'T recite the Naam. The Mul Mantra that opens Siri Guru Granth Sahib says "Jap." It is the ONLY command given in SGGS; everything else is just advice or the experience of the Gurus and Bhagats whose poetry makes up SGGS.

What does Jap mean? IT means RECITE. What to recite? The Naam. I urge you to spend a little time reading SGGS. It is available in Gurmukhi/English on this very web site (click on links off the home page: and read it for about 30 minutes. Count to yourself how many times the Naam or Name of God is mentioned. Notice how often SGGS discusses the benefits of the Naam--usually in every shabd, but not always. You don't have to start at the first page. Go to any page in SGGS and read for a while.

A number of the moderators have the personal experience of the benefits of chanting the Naam, this also makes us encourage you folks to do this. Finally, every single one of our Gurus, as well as Bhagat Kabir and Bhagat Nam Dev for certain, knew the benefits of Naam Jaapa. Those that wrote Gurbani wrote of their experience and these benefits, and what happens when you forget God and forget the Naam. The Guru of all of us: Gurus and bhagats and Gursikhs, is SHABD Guru. Reciting the Naam connects us to Shabd Guru. If we are observant Gursikhs, we will pay attention to their experience and advice and follow it.
Guru ang sang,

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What Is Great About The Naam? (07/09/2003)
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