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Summary of Question:Avoiding Lust
Date Posted:Wednesday, 5/10/2006 7:05 AM MDT


By Gurus grace, I have been born as a Sikh and after searching my own path, I have total and undoubted faith in the Gurus teachings. I find Sikhi the most beautiful treasure on Earth and with Gurus grace, If my destiny ordained by Akal Purkh allows me to shed my ego and become a devout Gurmukh, I want to this one life of mine to be for the Guru.

However, of late, I have been slightly distracted from my path, and have falen victim to the poision of lust. I know in my mind that whatever emotions I experience, they are all false and leave to inevitable suffering and pain and by no means comparable to that of the love of the Lord, as a faithful Gurmukh feels.

Knowing very well that this is a false and poisionous illusionment, I still seem to fall victim to lust and even though I have not carried any actions with another person, I feel my pattern of thought is harmful to the my state of mind. I wanted to ask if there were any Shabads you would recommend me to read or perhaps any advice to keep me on the only true path. Thank you.

Gur Fateh

Dear one,
The feeling that you call lust is a thought that starts in your mind.
We all have so many thoughts rolling around in our mind at any one moment.
This is so human and normal. So first of all be kind to yourself and relax.

Then evaluate where the source stimulus is for the thought that creates this feeling. Can you remove that source? Are you taunting yourself? Do you see this woman as your sister?

Also, if you are a young man or any man it is normal to have physical feelings and desires. There are many things you can do to change your thoughts and energy. Guilting yourself is not one of them.

However, running daily for 1-3 miles is good, taking a colds shower, learning practicing "Sat Kriya" daily is highly reccomended. You can do a search on Youth Forum and find this described as we have thoroughly discussed this with others over the years.

I hope this helps you.
Blessings to you,

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Avoiding Lust (05/10/2006)
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