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Summary of Question:My Marks Depressed Me
Date Posted:Tuesday, 10/21/2003 2:32 AM MDT

wjkk wjkf,

i was failed in my 2nd year of degree last year. i m staying in dad was upset tat time. so i hav nt tell him abt my failure. now i m doing clases of 3rd year. my parents think , i m in 4th year.plz help me wat shal i do know ? coz for my degree, 1 more year is there n i hav no guts 2 tel my parents. ? wat shal i do ? plz help me .do ardas for me. plz plz plz plz
(REPLY) Sat Nam. You are going to have to tell your dad the truth eventually, and the longer you wait, probably the worse the reaction is going to be. Meanwhile, how are your grades? Are you doing better? Not everyone is gualified for every scholastic situation. Are you interested in the courses you're taking? Do you have a career that you really honesty want to pursue? Don't beat yourself up for whatever has happened in the past, but go and see a counselor and figure out what is best for you to be studying. Hopefully you can take some sort of aptitude test to determine where your best talents are. Since you are not living at home, possibly the best way to inform your parents is to write them a very apologetic letter, telling them how sorry you are both for not having passed and for not telling them about it. Every human being has God-given abilities, and you simply need to find out what yours are. Also, be sure to meditate every day, and clear your mind, as well as read your banis so that you feelthe Gurus are WITH you throughout the day. Best wishes for your success. Oh, and do your own personal Ardas every day as well. Our prayers are with you. Blessings, SP

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