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Summary of Question:Sin
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 3/19/2004 7:48 PM MDT

Wut if you do a sin.. but u realise how u did bad and try to do paath to relieve urself of the anxiety reached by this sin in your mind. Would you still be punished when death comes.


You must forgive yourself. God is within you and you will experience this reality as you continue to recite your banis. Following is a three-part meditation that is helpful to forgive yourself and others. This is a useful technology, because as a holy man once said, why wait for judgment day to clean our slate? Let's hold judgment day now and forgive ourselves and each other, then commit ourselves to right action on a path of dharma!


1. Sitting in easy pose, repeat silently to yourself for 3 minutes:
"I FORGIVE EVERYONE for everything they have ever done to hurt me."
2. Repeat in silently to yourself for 3 minutes:
"I ASK FOR AND RECEIVE FORGIVENESS for everything I have ever done to hurt others."
3. Lie on back and repeat silently to yourself for 5 minutes:
"I FORGIVE MYSELF for everything I have ever done to hurt others."

In the first part, by extending your forgiveness to others, you are released from anger and resentment, and in addition, that person is absolved.

In the second part, by asking for forgiveness you are forgiven, and you are cleared of guilt and shame.

In the third part, fill yourself with light and love as you forgive yourself for everything.

The act of forgiveness is so powerful, that time and space do not matter when you forgive another or ask for forgiveness from another. You will receive forgiveness by asking, and you can release your own anger, fears and resentment when you extend your forgiveness to another, and they shall also be absolved. Only humans can forgive each other – the law of karma prevails unless we invoke our power to forgive each other and forgive ourselves.

Sat Nam. God bless you. -GMK

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