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Summary of Question:Trouble With Chakras - Need Help
Date Posted:Wednesday, 10/13/2004 1:45 PM MDT

Dear moderators,

I have been meditating, doing bhagti, at the third eye point intermittently during the last year. During the last month I have been increasingly experiencing an uncomfortable sensation. When my swas comes back down I feel my lower chakras (the ones below the navel) being touched by my swas.

Is this normal at some point in our journey? What does it mean? Is it dangerous? What may happen next?

If it helps, I began bhagti at the third eye point in this janam, i also did some at the navel. Sometimes I start it, sometimes it goes by itself. I don't put pressure on myself. I look forward to your guidance.

corrected reply - (1st not 17th slok)
Dear One,
Sat nam. I suggest that this is normal, but without seeing how you practice or knowing you I am going to list some points to be certain you are doing as part of your routine. Before I do that, the 'swas' (nectar, kundalini, it has many names) moves around the body. Kundalini actually starts from the lower chakras (base of the spine) and moves up and can stimulate the swas. Personally I think it is better to be clear from the bottom up, so I prefer methods that do this (e.g., kundalini yoga). Part of spiritual development is the movement of both in the body. It is not, from what I can tell, something to be afraid of, nor is it dangerous unless it is abused or unless you try to do more than you are ready for.
That said, you still need to be careful. Be sure that before you practice, you chant Ong Namo Gurdayv Namo or the 1st slok of Sukhmani Sahib (do either 3 times), which sets up a protection for you -- a spiritual protection. This protection is your Soul acknowledging the Guru and asking Guru to make sure your spiritual development doesn't become too much for you/your body to handle.
Make sure you sit with a STRAIGHT spine. It doesn't have to be rigid, just straight. Head and neck too. Please cover your head if you aren't already, using wool or cotton or silk. This is a filter that can again protect that delicate dasam dwar. When you finish your practice, allow yourself some time to 'be' in still/relaxed state so your body can process what you have done, then move on to your routine. It is OK to nap too. I am presuming you don't drink or do drugs, but I would be remiss not to mention that meditating is hard on a body/brain that has mind-altering residue in it. That's why our Rehit says to avoid addictive substances such as alcohol and tobacco.
How long do you practice? Keep a regular time and master it for a while, then increase it. For example, 11 minutes for 40 days/daily, then 22 or 31 minutes for 40 days/daily, then 62, etc. up to 2 1/2 hours. Be consistent in your routine, and do not do more than you are ready for.
If at any time you feel afraid during or after your practice, stop what you are doing and chant Ong Namo or the 1st Slok until you feel better. I am not trying to scare you, but this can happen.
If you are doing all the above already, then I would suggest you are right where you are supposed to be. Let us know if you have more questions. Hope this helps,

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