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Summary of Question:Karma
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 12/19/2007 3:17 PM MST

i find it really weird sometimes that those who do bad things oddly enough nothign happens to them because i know some people who act against how one should act and still recive many benefits like getting good grades and offers at university. why does this happen im not saying im perfect or good bt i see peopel i know who have relationships,hide things from there parents, still get good grades i feel as if this is all accepted in god's eyes but i haev been told it is not but yet i see these people get away with all this and not studying in school and just walking about and still recevie alot.what does this mean ? what have i been doing wrong?

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This doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong. Everything happens in God's will. We attract according to our conscious, subconscious and unconscious projections. In other words, the world appears to you as a reflection of your own consciousness. Just work on yourself. Get your priorities sorted. Do sadhana every day. Allow your relationship with the Guru to blossom and unfold.

Remember, enlightenment is when nothing bad ever happens to you.

Think about it.



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