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Summary of Question:Necessity To Understand Gurbani?
Date Posted:Monday, 8/11/2003 12:29 PM MDT

is it necessary to understand the pauris in Japji sahib,rehraas,sukhmani and ardaas? or even bits of it or any at all as long as you read gurbani and focus your thoughts on the syllables of each gurmukhi word, does it matter whether you understand it or not? would understanding the words have a greater effect whenever your reciting gurbani?

Also, theres one thing im not sure about this line in ardaas "sache pita waheguru aap de hazoor...." right after the "..." are you supposed to pray for blessings and what you want? if so is it alright to ask in english since my punjabi isn't 100% good. Plus right after you go "Nanak naam chardi kalaa tere banae sarbat da bhala" is that the ending to finish ardaas? or is there something else your supposed to say after that line.
please answer back soon, they may seem like stupid questions but i want to know if im doing my japji sahib,Rehraas and ardaas right.

Thank You

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Your questions are not stupid! And the answers are simple:
The more you understand the meaning of the banis you recite, the better!! You will get more enjoyment and fulfillment when you know the meaning of what you are reading. I would strongly advise your finding translations so you can become familiar with the Guru's wisdom and guidance! As for your next question, yes, that is the place in the Ardas where you can insert your personal prayers (such as asking for God's blessings for healing, or protection, etc) and certainly you can speak in English - or any other language- to express your prayer. Finally, after the last "..sarbat da balaa" you put your forehead to the ground, bowing to the Guru, rise up and say "Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh." After that in a Gurdwara there is a further short recitation by the sadh sangat, and then the Hukam is taken. Many people who do not have access to the full Siri Guru Granth Sahib, and who do not understand Gurumukhi, use an English translation of the banis/nitnem and open it (meditatively) at random, to get a hukam (the Guru's order of the day).

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