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Summary of Question:How To See The 10 Gurus?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 10/31/2003 6:00 AM MDT

Dear Sikhnet - I'm a bit confused. Some Sikhs say that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was God, when they sing 'Tun Guru Nanak Thoohi Nirankar'. I can explain this to myself by saying that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a Brahm Gyani, and therefore part of God. I'm just a bit confused as to how to see the Gurus. In Guru Sahib it says :-

'vaahu vaahu baanee nira(n)kaar hai this jaevadd avar n koe ||
Waaho! Waaho! is the Bani, the Word, of the Formless Lord. There is no other as great as He is'

Therefore Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is God. Therefore the 10 Gurus were God. But I thought that God was formless ?? Do Sikhs believe that the Gurus were God ??

Sat Siri Akaal. Some Sikhs believe the Gurus were God, but Siri Guru Granth Sahib says over and over that God is in all beings, that look around you, the world you see is God. The Guru of the Gurus is SHABD Guru, and the quote you cite above, Waaho, Waaho, etc. confirms that. The Christian Bible opens with the words: In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was God (something like that). Same idea. That is why the way to know Guru is to practice Naam Simran, recitation (or meditation) on the Name. How to see the 10 Gurus? See them as perfected beings and great teachers who came to show us yet another way to achieve sukhsahaij and to do it without becoming priests, brahmins, or ascetics. The path of a Sikh is a householder's path. BTW, Guru Nanak became a Brahm Gyani (as that term is used in Sukhmani Sahib) but he was not born a Brahmin in the sense of caste. Hope this helps. Guru ang sang,

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