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Summary of Question:School
Date Posted:Friday, 2/20/2004 8:12 PM MST

hi, i'm a junior at H.S. i am having troubles reading--i'm way to slow. I have problems on the ACT. Now you might say taht i do not try but i spend at least 9 hrs doing homwork and studying each night adn along with meditate..rehrasa and before i go to school..jap ji sahib and when i take a test..remember god is not working for me I dont know what is going on..i was really motivated and found the importance of god in a camp but now it is all gone and i need something to uplift my spirits. Please help me! Tell me the importance of god. I need to do better in my studies adn want to make my parents head high in society=everyone's goal! Please help me on what i should do even if i try and meditate but am not getting anywhere in life! what is the recipe to success in school? i am not motivated to learn in any way bc the schools here are pathetic in that they do not care as much about learning as in India..i have kind of turned that way too!

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Some people need a little more help than others when it comes to school. Have you tried going to a counselor at school and asking if there is someone who can tutor you in reading? Reading is, as you have discovered, fundamental to success in all areas of learning. God is more important than anything in the world, and God has put your soul here, in this body, to learn the lessons life has to teach, and to remember Him with every breath. Now, that is hard to do, but at least spend a little time before you go to school, maybe even five minutes just sitting with your eyes closed, and being aware of your breath and it flows in and out your nose, and think SAT as you receive the inhalation, and think NAM as you exhale. Try to remember to be grateful (!) whenever you catch yourself breathing! It is God reminding you that He lives and breathes in you. This will help calm your mind. I also put a lot of faith in chanting "DHAN DHAN RAM DAS GUR" shabd -- this is the mantra for when you want a miracle, and Guru Ram Das is the Lord of Miracles. Don't let the western lack of caring about education (as you pointed out, it's not the way it is in India) pull you into that consciousness. Education is very important. It would be wonderful if we could take the best of the values of India and the best of the values of the West, and blend them. The smart thing is to know which ones are the best! Have you any particular interests or skills that you have not explored? I really hope you will speak to a counselor at school, and/or ask your parents to get you a tutor. All you can do, all any of us can do, is our very best, and leave the results to God. Not everyone is a scholar, but everyone is a divine being, so don't put yourself down for any reason! May God bless you and Guru guide you, SP

please help me
wahe guru ji ka khalsa, wahegure je ke fateh!

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