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Summary of Question:Disturbing Thoughts
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 5/17/2004 11:15 AM MDT

I keep getting disturbing thoughts in my mind. Like I,m going to hurt my loved ones or what will happen after I die. I know all these thoughts are not true I love my kids and my family . I do path go to the gurudwara but these thoughts keep crowding my mind. Could you tell me how I can change my thinking. I am very physical I walk 2 miles every day and play soccer on the weekends. I,m in perfect health and I think I,m a strong man. I,m trying to do Mool mantra path all the time Now. What else can I do to change the thoughts in my mind.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Realize, your thoughts are not YOU. Ignore those thoughts when they come to you, don't give them power by continuing to think about them. In order to change the flow of thoughts, it is suggested to chant EK ONG KAR SAT GUR PRASAD, SAT GUR PRASAD, EK ONG KAR. Repeat this to yourself (out loud if you can - or silently) five times whenever you find negative thoughts coming to you. Another technique is to substitute POSITIVE, LOVING thoughts for the disturbing ones, through positive affirmation; that is say (or mentally repeat) something like "God bless my family, I love them very much" and "I have total faith in God and Guru to take care of me here and hereafter." You can make up your own positive affirmations. Sometimes it helps to write them down. Reciting the entire Japji Sahib 11 times a day is another very excellent way to fill your mind with positive thoughts and the blessings of Guru. SP

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