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Summary of Question:Really Urgent; Complications With Amrit
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 8/28/2004 2:13 AM MDT

Vaheguruji Ka Khalsa Vaheguruji Ki Fateh,

Firstly I'd just like to say that everyone on sikh net is going a brilliant job! I know it sounds really cliché, but you're changing lives everyday and helping todays generations keep in touch with their Sikhi! Keep up the exellent work!
Well heres the background information on my problem: this year I decided to go to india for a couple of months, and while I was there I decided to take Amrit. I'd been in India since the end of May, and I decided to take Amrit in July. My parents made a fuss over the phone at first, the kept telling me to wait so that they could be there, but there wasnt much point in that, deep down inside I knew they were making pathetic excuses. Basically they kept making excuses and deceiving me and now the only option I have left is to take it without their consent. I know Sikhi places great importance on respect towards parents, but in this case they really dont have much of an argument for me not to take Amrit, except that I dont come from a very religious family, but I'm not a sheep, I cant just follow the ppl around me, but they dont understand that. In any case, is it advisable to take Amrit while I'm here even though they wont approve? I really dont think I'm doing anything wrong, I mean it makes no sense really, how on Earth is my taking Amrit someting wrong. I guess its also cause they've just got funny views on things, neither of them is into sikh, and they seem to have the idea that I cant take Amrit because I'm 13. What does age have to do with Amrit? I've been keeping rehit for more than a year now, and for the past month even been keeping all my kakars. I've never removed any hair, been a vegetarian and been doin paath since I was 8. I really dont understand my parents' problem, but at the same time i cant help but question if what I'm doin is right, cause I remember someone saying something abt how ur amrit jus wasnt pure n true if ppl like ur parents didnt accept it, cause u lied abt it. Truth is, after my parents deceived me and tried various plans to seperate my from my sikhi and Guruji, especially with the degrees they went to regarding my taking Amrit, I really dont think I think of them to be my parents any more. Seriously. To me, its all about me and Guruji. Gurujis the only one thats ever given me the love of a parent, and sooooooo much more. Either way, legally speaking, because I'm only 13, I've got to live with them for atleast another 3 years. I dont know if this is making any sense, but I really really need help and fast. I need help to make a decision before its too late, 'cause I got back home in 2 weeks time. Please please please help me soon.
Ang Sang Vaheguru,
Vaheguruji Ka Khalsa Vaheguruji Ki Fateh.

Sat Siri Akaal. You sound like you are ready for amrit, as young as you are. A close reading of SGGS will tell you that over-attachment to one's family qualifies as one of the 5 evils. Your parents seem to want to be part of this occassion--I'm aware of nothing that says you need their permission to take Amrit. Frankly, I do not see what the big deal is as to why they'd be opposed, but I think you should think about this a bit to be sure YOU understand. You have to decide for yourself. Perhaps ardas and Guru's hukum about this matter is what you should do first. YOu can take hukums off this site, if you have no Babaji where you are staying. It's not the life you lead, it's the courage you bring to life. So if you feel absolutely called to take Amrit now in this time and place, then perhaps you should. However, that is NOT to say you should lie to them. That would be irresponsible. So if you are baptized, you must tell them, otherwise what is the point? Guru ang sang,

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