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Summary of Question:Kundalini Yoga
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 12/11/2003 2:07 PM MST


I am an Indian Sikh proud of my identity and culture. I have been trying to follow the paths laid down by our Guru's to my best of abilities but somehow I cannot concentrate due to mainly hectic lifestyle. I want to try some yoga techniques to learn go meditate and then go on to naam-simran because I feel then I would be able to concentrate better. For this purpose, your site deeply advocates Kundalini Yoga which I learnt after browsing through various other sites was practiced by Guru Ram Das ji.

I would like to know what's the SGPC's view on Kundalini yoga and Yogi Bhajan. Is Yogi Bhajan just another sikh who has created a seperate sect like Nirankari's, Radhasaomi's etc. If Yogi Bhajan is a true Gursikh and Kundalini yoga really helps in meditation then why the Sikh world in India is unaware of it.

In my entire life, I had never heard abt this yoga before either in the Gurudwaras or some where else. If this yoga can benefit a sikh in his meditation and self-development why isnt it advocated by SGPC and our Sikh Preachers in India. We always have been hearing from them ki Amrit-Vele jaago, Nitnem da part karo etc which is not as easy as they say for a sikh who works 10-12 hrs a day to earn his living.

Also majority of the Sikh youth especially in India is on the verge of destroying their Identity by succumbing to the worldly pressures we know of. And 90% of the Sikhs are heavy alcohol drinkers the world is aware of.

During Gurpurabs we have many camps of Amrit Chakna which I guess many Sikhs take part in only to break the rules later. We strongly advocate Amrit Chaknaa but how does a Sikh live within the set rules throughout his life?

Why dont we teach Kundalini Yoga to Amrit aspirants before they actually do a formal Amrit Chak....I am really confused abt Kundalini yoga, benefits it can give and if it is really that great why isnt it being used in spiritual upliftment of Sikhs in India.


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Sat Nam Ji - Let me try to address your issues. "Hectic lifestyle" - This is exactly why we rise in the Amrit Vela. It is the time that we can set ourselves up for the hectic day to come by immersing ourselves deep in the naad of the shabd and feeling our deep connection with the One.

Raj Yog is the science of controlling the mind - dharana, dyana, pratyahar. Kundalini Yoga is a Raj Yog. I have no idea what anyone's "view" on Kundalini Yoga may be. And frankly, I don't care about that. All I know is that it works. The only way to understand if it works or not is to try it and see for yourself. Listening to other people's opinions won't do it. I never heard of Kundalini Yoga till I was 25 years old. I think Guru Ji gives us what we need at the time that we need it. That includes Amrit Chakna. When the time is right, you will know it.

I don't know where you live in India so I can't direct you to a Kundalini Yoga teacher who may be near you, but if you post a message with more details, I will try to help you with that. At any rate, Guru Ji will bring you what you need.

As for Yogi Bhajan - he has trained Kundalini Yoga teachers all over the world. He is a true Gursikh and has only taught people to follow Guru Granth, not himself. He came to the West to train teachers. He has always taught us to stand on our own two lotus feet, not to worship him. He is a spiritual teacher, not a Guru. The Akal Takhat has recognized him with the titles 'Siri Singh Sahib' and 'Bhai Sahib', and Takhat Keshgarh Sahib has recognized him as 'Panth Rattan.' He has never created any sect, but only brought Guru's Sikhs home to Guru's feet.

Technology is technology. I'm very pragmatic. If it works, and does not hurt any one - use it. Kundalini Yoga works. It gives you the power to control your mind. But you must honestly do it!

In the entire Japji Sahib, Guru Nanak gives us only one order: "Jap!"

Jap what?

"Aad Such, Jugaad Such, Hai Bhee Such, Naanak Hosee Bhee Such."

The key to developing your inner focus is the breath. The breath and the mind are intimately linked. When we are excited or agitated, our breath becomes shorter and faster. When we become deeply relaxed and focused, the mind becomes calm, and our breath becomes deeper and longer. Just as our mental state controls our breath, the reverse is also true. By controlling the breath we can control the mind.

This is the secret. "Man Jeetai Jag Jeet!"

There are many ways to practice this. I will suggest one to you. It is important to practice every day, preferably in the amrit vela after you do ishnaan and before you begin your NitNem.

1. Sit with a straight spine. It is very important to keep the spine straight as you do this. Sit in this posture and feel that you are saintly. Concentrate.

2. Bring your hands into Maha Gyan Mudra by placing the pad of the right index finger on the pad of the left index finger, so that the finger pads are touching--not pressing--forming approximately a 45 degree angle with the index fingers pointing upwards. Right palm faces down, left palm faces up. Other fingers are curled into the palms, with the thumb over. (see the picture below)

3. Hold the mudra lightly at the level of the heart center, elbows resting along your ribcage with shoulders relaxed. The eyes are slightly open, focused at the tip of your nose.

4. Inhale deep and begin to chant out loud in a calm and resonant voice: "Aad Such, Jugaad Such, Hai Bhee Such, Naanak Hosee Bhee Such." You must chant or sing aloud, in a monotone - all in one breath. The “such” sound is made with the tongue touching the upper palate and then coming down. The “ch” in Such is emphasized, as if saying, "Suchch." Pull the navel point in on each "Such." After each recitation, take a deep breath and begin again.

As you chant aloud, listen to the sound with your inner ear. Let the inner ear vibrate. The breath rhythm is a simple, long deep breath. Not too long or too short. Start with 11 minutes of chanting. You may build the time up to 2 and 1/2 hours in one sitting, but that is the maximum.

To end, inhale very deep, hold the breath and then exhale and relax your arms and hands and relax your breath. Close your eyes and rest for 2 minutes. Listen to the inner echo of the sound.

It is up to you how long you practice. I suggest doing it every day for 40 days and building up the time as you go along.

You have to tune your inner ear, not the outer ear, that will not help you. It is the inner ear. It has two bones on the side and the hammer, and if the hammer and the bones have a proper hammering then your brain can analyze at the same time what it is hearing, and understand deeply, not intellectually.

When the eyes are at the tip of the nose, this frontal lobe becomes heavy, like lead, and sometimes it may become so painful and unbearable, you may feel that you can't even stand it. And then it breaks, and then you find what you are looking for - and that is forever - then nobody can take it away. There are two things to achieve, one is the touch of the tip of the tongue with the upper palate so that the thalamus and hypothalamus begin tuning in. The other is the eyes at the tip of the nose, to affect the frontal lobe.

Write and let us know how you are doing.

"Poori hoe kaaraamat aap sirjan hare dharia." Our Lord of Miracles has done a miracle which you can see. We roll over the seven seas as His sons and daughters. We are so blessed!

Humbly, .....G

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