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Summary of Question:Falling
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Sunday, 8/07/2005 12:40 AM MDT

Hi..firstly, i would like thank the moderators of sikhnet for doing such a wonderful service to sikh youths worldwide. I hope my question can be answered satisfactorily too because it has been on my mind for quite some time now. I know this guy who's amritdhari for about 2-3 years now. We have had a really good friendship,get along very well during this time but now I think I am falling for him. He has been dropping clear hints too and I think he feels the same way I feel too.He backs out sometimes when I try to ask him about these feelings. I wish there was some way things can be confirmed but I do not know how to go about asking him straight because if my intuition was wrong, our friendship may just roll down the gutter. I feel guilty most times because of this feelings I have developed for him. :( What should I do?


Well, what is keeping him from expressing his feelings to you...if they are there? Is he afraid, are you imaginging it, or a million other reasons? I would keep being his friend and allow him to make the first move. Depending upon your goals, age, etc, I wouldn't wait forever, though. A huge mistake women make is altering their lives for men who haven't even committed to them. Go on with your life. Don't wait for this guy, who hasn't even expressed him self to you. If he sees you going on with your life, it may inspire him to speak up...if the feelings are there. Blessings. GTKK

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