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Summary of Question:Lama Ceremony Not Understood By Brides & The Committment They R About To Make
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Thursday, 1/25/2007 5:55 AM MST

Why do so many brides think the wedding ceremony is a show?

Why do they not understand what the lama ceremony means? If they understood it then they would embrace the concepts that have come from the Glorious Gurus themselves! Most marriages would not end in turmoil like sadly they do.

I wish brides would embrace this fundamental and important part of marriage.

When you marry you do not lose your parents, you just have to understand that you must make a new life for yourself now and a family of your own just like your mother did when she married. Why do you attach yourself so strongly to your mother and neglect your husband whom you have agreed to marry and supposedly make a commitment to. The consequences are obvious. I have heard of so many cases where this has happened and the sad result is divorce.

If you do not want to change and remove this dangerous attachment then please stop getting married because you are the cause of the new tag that indians have overtaken english for divorces. If you are married stop this nonsense of having to visit your mother every other day of the week and behind your husbands back (he doesn't even know)! Those of you who do this are an absolute disgrace and Guru Ji is watching your every action and all the lies you tell.

The wedding ceremony is a deeply important and spiritual ceremony and throughout it the lama has that important meaning.

Indian Brides dont understand lama and wedding ceremony and the commitment they are agreeing to enter IN FRONT OF THE GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI itself!!

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I think you mean the "Lavan" (Guru Ram Das' wedding song, describing the commitment to be made on each of the four rounds around the Guru) If what you describe is the case, it is sad indeed. Because Marriage has not been properly understood in the East and in the West, there is obviously a need for some educatioin. There is going to be a book being published this spring, called MARRIAGE ON THE SPIRITUAL PATH, which is intended to help couples (especially women!) value and honor the marriage commitment. I will post a message here when it's in print. SP

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Lama Ceremony Not Understood By Brides & The Committment They R About To Make (01/25/2007)
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